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M Pedals giveaway!!


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hey guys! a company called M Pedals is doing a giveaway as a promotion. I personally own two of his OD pedals, and this guys stuff is AMAZING. also, very cheap! anyways, he's giving away one of his buffers! all you have to do is send him a picture of your pedalboard - the person that has the best layout, and the most tone shaping gear on their board is the winner. Don't miss out on this great deal!! hit him up with the picture at: http://twitter.com/#!/mpedals

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Why are the winners of these contests always people with the nicest and largest boards who probably don't need another free pedal. Stupid. Make the contest more interesting and give someone who doesn't have a ton of money to blow on pedals a chance.



Seriously. Stupid criteria for winning.

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Isn't it funny?


- "Bob, what do you feel like doing today?"

- "Why Tim, I do not know! Why don't we start a pedal company?"

- "Sure! But before we put a single train of thought it to it lets make sure we register a Twitter and Facebook just to see if we get 10,000 friends and whether or not it's worth investing all this money and time in the pedal company!"

- "Twitter.com/awesomepaddles"

- "Oh wow Bob, 10,000 followers, I am so happy, just look at the joy in my face $_$"

- "Oh wow Tim, your eyes, the dollar signs really brings out the green in them"

- "We're rich!"

- "Rich full of good tone... now, what pedals should we rip off?"


Carry on...

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I went to the Mpedal website. Have they even built a single pedal yet?



of course they have. he's really big up in NC. just hasn't launched the website yet, so he's running off of facebook and twitter atm.


Also, why would i make up a giveaway? I hate harmony central because of all the trolls. I only made the account to help you guys win free gear!

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of course they have. he's really big up in NC. just hasn't launched the website yet, so he's running off of facebook and twitter atm.

Also, why would i make up a giveaway? I hate harmony central because of all the trolls. I only made the account to help you guys win free gear!


Prantastic. :love:

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of course they have.
he's really big up in NC
. just hasn't launched the website yet, so he's running off of facebook and twitter atm.

Also, why would i make up a giveaway? I hate harmony central because of all the trolls. I only made the account to help you guys win free gear!



Ive never ever heard of it

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I hate harmony central because of all the trolls. I only made the account to help you guys win free gear!


That's a logical fallacy.


Harmony Central is the people who post on it as much as anything. You say you hate the site, and the trolls, but then you say you went out of your way to register in order to"help you guys" - again, something doesn't wash here in the logic department. :)


BTW, if you want to announce a pedal give-away, we ask that you discuss it with me prior to putting anything up - next time, please send me a PM with the details before posting your contest info.



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Also, why would i make up a giveaway? I hate harmony central because of all the trolls. I only made the account to help you guys win free gear!


I would like to be the first to apologize. My statement regarding your post to spam ration was incorrect. 50% of your posts are not spam. With latest entry you are now at a 60% ratio. Bummer you never can reach the coveted 100% spam level, as you've made some semi-legitimate posts already. But don't let that stop you still can go higher! More spam! You can do it! And us trolls totally believe in your free gearz! :thu:


Also joining Yarbicus in the sig'd club.

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