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Have you ever not wanted to listen to a good band because you didn't like the tone?


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yeah, one of the recent Foo Fighters albums. i tried to listen once all the way through and got fatigue after about 3 or 4 songs from the absolutely {censored}ed up amounts of compression used on everything.


specifically to guitar.. i love Deftones but can't listen to the first two albums purely because of the guitar sound.

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{censored}ty tone is too subjective anyway. Sometimes the crappiest and {censored}tiest sounding guitars can work amazingly on an album. I think the sound on Slayer's album works, also the chaotic guitar playing/random soloing. I think it actually sounds cool.

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Not necessarily the guitar tone but the production of a band/album can really put me off.



Some music or albums I love have awful production (from a technical point of view), but it doesn't really bother me that much...

It would have to sound painfully bad to put me off.


* * *


It could also be worth pointing out that I don't really listen to any music (or love any music) specifically because of the tone/sound. It's always the melody, feel, content etc. that draws me to music.

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yeah, one of the recent Foo Fighters albums. i tried to listen once all the way through and got fatigue after about 3 or 4 songs from the absolutely {censored}ed up amounts of compression used on everything.



I have a friend who listens to modern pop country and I was getting nauseous from the amount of compression on every {censored}ing song in the car.

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{censored}ty tone is too subjective anyway. Sometimes the crappiest and {censored}tiest sounding guitars can work amazingly on an album. I think the sound on Slayer's album works, also the chaotic guitar playing/random soloing. I think it actually sounds cool.



This is true, but for the sake of the thread, we'll assume that your individual opinion on great tone is what you're judging/not judging music by.

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I'd place guitar tone in production. I don't mind bad or lofi production if it suits the music. I like the production on old Burzum and Darkthrone records. I find it difficult to listen to the guitar tone used in a lot of pop songs. Sounds like a maxed out Dynacomp.

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It's a fine line I'd say. Tone is HUGE, for example, we've all heard some terrible covers.


Lots of 80's music that I love is dated and a bit hurt by the production/tone. Tears for fears is a great example of this, if you can get over some of the production and cheesy synth sounds you will find some truly amazing songs. But at the same time, most of it works.


I'd say yes and no, tough question. I guess it all depends whether or not, the bad tone completely devours the song.... which it can. If they are great songs with a bad recording I can definately look past it, most people cant however.

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Pretty much anything by Bob Mould is hard to listen to, despite the fact that he writes good tunes, has a cool voice, and is now using "my" guitar. :( This is somewhat worrisome, because we get compared to Husker Du regularly, right or wrong (I think pretty damn wrong, although I'm always flattered). -E

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I don't understand this question. you like the song but not the tone of the guitar. Not that it is bad, its like too treblely or like the mids are boosted a little more then you like? Is that the question?


or is like I think this a well written song, that had all the elements I'm looking for, but gee he put a phaser on that, and I hate phasers??


I mean... tone has literally become a meaningless word on this forum. seriously meaningless.

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