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Trout Mask Replica


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I love obnoxious music

My uncle used to lock the door to the room at parties where the hippies were dropping window pane acid and blast Trout Mask Replica with awesome results.


that actually sounds like just about the perfect use for that album.

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I love it. I love Safe As Milk too.
They're just pieces of art though. When I go to a museum I don't try to like everything I walk past. In fact I usually walk briskly through most of it and only stop for stuff that's worth delaying the hot dog I'm craving from the vendor outside.
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For about a decade now, every 6 months or so i listen to that album and always throw it away / delete it.

I just can't see what the deal is? It's just {censored}ty noise to me.

Any of you real "musicians" out there disagree?



no I don't disagree, I just listened to it again for the first time in ages and I'd actually forgotten how poor it was.

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This thread made me dig out Trout Mask Replica for another listen.

Is it just me that hears the pre-echos of stuff like Shellac, Slint and At The Drive-In in this music? Anyone calling this noise isn't listening properly- there's absolutely an order and a sense to the music, just not a conventional one. I wonder if more people would warm to this if they were told it was made in 1999, not 1969- are people putting it on expecting something more of its time?

Incidentally, this is one of the few records I own that makes my wife angry. She gets really pissed as soon as I put it on. {censored}ing hates it. Can't understand who allowed it to be made. Probably why I've still got it :D

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