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Two amp setups: a good idea! :D


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Yesterday I re-jigged my rig to do an A/B amp setup. I've done it before, but this time it was a bit different for a couple of reasons:


1; Last time I tried it, one of the amps was a night train through that tiny 1x12 and tbh it sounded a bit crap next to my ac30.


2; I split the signal earlier in the chain rather than at the end, so after the a/b box the signal went A -> Delay (L) -> clean boost -> AC30, and B -> OCD -> Delay ® - > AC50.


I quickly dialled in my favourite settings, then I went and did a gig. It was great because instead of having to dial in a bunch of compromise tones like I usually have to to get a good range of tones for all our songs, I could dial each amp in to get the tones it's best at, with no need to compromise.


The AC30 was set edge of breakup and clean boosted into really crunchy overdrive (Brian May levels of gain I guess). Usually I don't do that because the lack of clean headroom bugs me on some songs. But being able to switch over to the AC50 + closed back 2x12 for those made that a non issue.


Had an impact on my pedalboard too, because with two amps I found I didn't need as many pedals to get the range of tones I want. Just need to work out how best to arrange an A/B switch and stereo delays after it without getting into potential ground loop city.


So yeah, CSB, TL:DR, whatever, I'm happy! Who else uses an A/B setup? I'm looking for an A/B/Y switch at the mo and trying to work out how best to arrange the board.

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Reallllly want to do this for the sheer purpose of a stereo rig. Stereo delay/verb/looping just sounds so much better. Ideally I'm going get my rig to the point where I have 2 2x12s and 2 small pedalboards. Plus, like you mentioned, the ability to set two amps to do what they're best at is really practical and flat out sounds better.

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My rig for bigger gigs consists of a Traynor YCV50 fairly prominent in the mids and with delay on most of the time, and a Blackheard Little Giant mini stack with a more balanced tone, no delay. I get tons of clairity, cut, and much more fullness. When running mono, I just use the Traynor, but I loveee being able to throw the Blackheart in there. I've never really done to much A/Bing just because I like Y so much!

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So yeah, CSB, TL:DR, whatever, I'm happy! Who else uses an A/B setup? I'm looking for an A/B/Y switch at the mo and trying to work out how best to arrange the board.



I've tried a lot of ABY switches. As passive switches go, the Startouch ABY pedal is very good but you will get some signal loss. The Lehle Dual is expensive and very good. The best I've had comes from a UK builder, Monkey FX. He isn't trading according to the website but he is over at Musicradar and might be persuaded to build you one. Drop me a PM if you want more info.

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IMHO, stereo is so much more fun / inspiring than mono - once you try stereo effects / two amps, it's really hard to want to go back to mono.



I dunno. I know this is FX and all, but live stereo rigs fail to excite me in any way. A lot of times they sound thinner to me than just a single amp.


Dual mono, OTOH, sounds big - especially if the amps are similar, but not identical. Like two deluxes with different speakers, or a deluxe and a super.

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IMHO, stereo is so much more fun / inspiring than mono - once you try stereo effects / two amps, it's really hard to want to go back to mono.




The absolute best tone I've ever had was just the other night when I ran my Gabriel Voxer (basically a Marshall and Vox) with a modded '65 Bandmaster... :love:... stereo/running dual amp setup is definitely more inspiring and hard to go back, but it's a lot harder on your bank account :lol:. I'll be spending at least $600 on a used Bandmaster head and then another $400-$500 on a good 2x12 cab within the next year hopefully.

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I dunno. I know this is FX and all, but live stereo rigs fail to excite me in any way. A lot of times they sound thinner to me than just a single amp.

Dual mono
, OTOH, sounds big - especially if the amps are similar, but not identical. Like two deluxes with different speakers, or a deluxe and a super.



I guess this is the proper term for what I ran the other night. Same input signal, 2 different amps = not true stereo.

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IMHO, stereo is so much more fun / inspiring than mono - once you try stereo effects / two amps, it's really hard to want to go back to mono.



Absolutely. Its hard to go back, particularly if you are in a one guitar band. I have never done the a/b switching thing though, my favourite part of having two amps is the way they both respond differently to dirt pedals (they delays are great too).

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I dunno. I know this is FX and all, but live stereo rigs fail to excite me in any way. A lot of times they sound thinner to me than just a single amp.

Dual mono, OTOH, sounds big - especially if the amps are similar, but not identical. Like two deluxes with different speakers, or a deluxe and a super.



Yeah this is more along the lines of what I want to achieve.

Two similar but slightly different amps receiving the same mono signal.

Though it is nice to have the option for stereo delay etc.

Only problem is that in a live situation a huge amount of true stereo is lost on the audience due to listening position and also due to the fact that live PA's are often a combination of mono/stereo.

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Absolutely. Its hard to go back, particularly if you are in a one guitar band. I have never done the a/b switching thing though, my favourite part of having two amps is the way they both respond differently to dirt pedals (they delays are great too).


Totally agree and that's the way I'd like to do it for the most part. I've got my Marshall/Vox amp covered, and hopefully I can get a Blackface-style amp sometime the next year and just have all 3 main amp tones covered (FMV). :love:

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