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The Fuzz Face is almost as frustrating as the Big Muff


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... I don't know if I could ditch the wireless though. It's not even so I can go run around in the crowd, it's just... so liberating. And reduces the chance of fatal electric shocks in some of the shocking venues we've graced.



It's a matter of what you find more liberating and empowering when playing live, fuzz face versus wireless? To me, plugging straight into a fuzz face, tonebender or rangemaster and on into a Vox is the most liberating playing experience I can have. The dynamic interaction between guitar and pedal is what makes it work, I would not sacrifice that for any wireless or buffer system.

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It's a matter of what you find more liberating and empowering when playing live, fuzz face versus wireless?



At the moment, it's about what I need to play the songs we've written; If I used a rat, I'll have a rat on my board. If it was an AC30+clean boost, I use that. There's no songs we're playing live that I'd need a FF for at the mo, but that might change once we've recorded an album of new stuff and start playing live.

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I'd be afraid to ask on TGP - there's been enough "you need to buy a..." on this thread, imagine the thread on TGP:

Reply 1: "Oh, just buy a klon to use as a buffer."

Reply 2: "No, you need a sporktastic Buffibulator, I got one AND NEVER LOOKED BACK."

Reply 3: "Your problem is that your Chinese AC30 isn't a real AC30."

Reply 4: "Don't waste your time on anything else: Get a Trapesoidal Transformer Buffer, you'll have tone for days!"


Fair comment, although you underestimate your rig's inadequacy. I can guarantee they'll want to know what Strat and what pickups, and I can guarantee that that they won't be good enough. Once you upgrade to the Cornish wireless system, Analogman Sunface and a real AC30 you'll also need hand-rolled directional cables, preferably with dinosaur feather insulation for ultimate vintage toan :facepalm:

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except that it doesn't sound a whole lot like a fuzz face IMO



I agree it is different, but that is probably why I like it, it is very versatile and has a lot of different sounds. It doesn't really clean up like a fuzz face though.

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DIY a tiny little FF board and switch right into your favorite guitar



Not impossible, and probably the simplest practical solution to incorporating it in to your existing rig. Despite the size of the pedal itself, the fuzzface circuit is very simple and only needs a small PCB. It's pretty much a set-and-forget effect, so you wouldn't need external controls. It doesn't need a massive amount of battery power either, so building one in to a guitar wouldn't be the beginning of an endless ball-ache of battery changes either. You might even be able to wire it to a push-pull pot and avoid the need to drill any holes.

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Not impossible, and probably the simplest practical solution to incorporating it in to your existing rig. Despite the size of the pedal itself, the fuzzface circuit is very simple and only needs a small PCB. It's pretty much a set-and-forget effect, so you wouldn't need external controls. It doesn't need a massive amount of battery power either, so building one in to a guitar wouldn't be the beginning of an endless ball-ache of battery changes either. You might even be able to wire it to a push-pull pot and avoid the need to drill any holes.



I sense a project coming on.

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