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My new album is out


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I have a friend who is part of a network (syndicate?) who runs a referral business. It's starting to become a big business. Lots of word of mouth referral and networking for smaller businesses. You meet more like minded people, etc. Beats the Yellow pages that no one uses anymore. So why not try it for music? Might work for sure.

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The whole concept REVOLVES around word of mouth.


It just adds incentive for fans, to give "word of mouth" a boost, AND to encourage group accountability to reduce illegal downloading.


Consider it a social experiment. Are you against musicians taking novel approaches to promotion?


Why pay some other music service MORE money for no promo, when I can give fans a real stake in what I'm doing and reward THEM for their support?

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Pyramid schemes promise bonuses to people to recruit more people to recruit more people etc etc, and your income depends on recruiting more people to recruit more people. Plus, you need to pay to get in.


This is a simple competition. Most referrals wins the pot, and there will be complete transparency too. No shady guy at the top raking in dough. In fact, based on the running totals, everyone will know exactly how much I'VE sold as an artist.


I understand there are challenges, and I'm half expecting it to go nowhere. But I haven't heard of anyone else come up with a better idea to change the music industry landscape in the light of downloading. The best anyone's been able to come up with are fancy hand made one offs, or ridiculously unfair legislation.


So far people have applauded the idea, but it's really to satisfy my own curiosity more anything! I'd rather try and fail than do nothing at all!


Anyway, if you have tips to improve the concept I'm all ears. And of course, check out the record! It's no Six Acre Lake but I'm proud of it! :p


BTW, thanks for the tips for that project I called you about back in the spring. My studio actually won an advertising award for the campaign!

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