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OT: Mass Effect 3


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Ok, so who else is a nerd like me and playing this? I just got it last night and it's great so far. I read nothing up about it after playing ME2 so I have no idea what to expect other than the Reapers have shown up to do their once every 50,000 years obliteration of all sentient life.


Discuss. And please spoiler that shit if you're going to talk about surprises like, for example, how:



EDI found herself a sexy robot body so she could go with you on missions, lol.


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playd 1 and love it... started with 2 and never finished... i bought a new gpu etc. to play some games.. But i guess i am to old *lol - to lazy to play computer games Oo


i just play ut2k4 public sometimes and try to meet some old clanmates :facepalm:


but in - i want to see how it goes with MF3 :wave:

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See, I never really played the first one but I watched my friend play some of it. The combat in 2 and 3 seems much better than what was in 1. Then again, I think the game is more about plot and character story lines than the combat, really. However, exploding heads with the sniper rifle is great fun every time.



So is splattering Cerberus goons when you shoot rockets at them out of the Atlas Mech you stole from them


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ah ok - yeah MF 1 was a big thing and something "new" beside all the other overplayd crap in that time. Like Deus Ex... i guess i am still a gamer and "nerd" but i am always afraid "to learn" a new game... thats the reason for me to play ut2k4 - i playd in clans, leagues, cups etc. i know all the stuff and it is installed after copying the game folder *lol - simple but cool engine imo.


EDIT: its just the 15 minutes fun - nt a game where you stick for hours...

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Yeah, I used to play that as well. I was never that good at it though. I dunno, I can never get into the guns in unreal or halo. They all have this weird fake feel to them whereas the guns in like mass effect and Halflife2, and Counterstrike feel like they have much more impact. I think it's a sound effects thing, honestly.


I've been playing heroes of newerth mostly for a while but I'm getting really fed up with the direction of that game at the moment. It seems like it gets less fun with every patch they release.

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ME:1 was a sweeping epic, one of my favorite game storylines.


ME:2 greatly improved the combat, making it more of a duck and cover tactical shooter than a space action-rpg


but the story ultimately suffered. It was basically a 30hr ad for ME:3

It seems like they started writing the 3rd game first, filling in the blanks for the 2nd as they went along.


I guess I'll know for sure in a few days :lol:

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I preordered the limited edition right before they sold out from buy.com. They decided to ship it yesterday at 5pm. What the {censored}. Shipping the evening that it was released?!?! UPS updated their tracking, with an estimated delivery of 3/12. FML


Either way I am super {censored}ing pumped about seeing how everything wraps up.

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I don't think I know what tuchanka is. Maybe i forgot. There're so many alien worlds.

Edit: Oh yeah, duh. The Krogan world. I am going there soon.


End scene on that planet is pretty cool. I'm finishing up the Quarian planet right now. Last fight on that is ridic to say the least.


EDIT: Don't read the spoiler unless you're choosing what to do at the end.



Cack. Helped the Geth and killed all of the Quarians.


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ME1 got tedious after a while. I felt like I spent more time managing my inventory than playing the game. Sometimes that kind of stuff adds an interesting element to a game, when you have to make choices that will affect gameplay. in ME1 it just felt pointless though. You randomly find new weapons and need to "upgrade" every time you go on a mission.


I thought ME2 was way better. The characters were deeper. The storyline was more streamlined, but that actually seemed to work better IMO. Combat was better. The game felt like it was finished, whereas some parts of ME1 were cut and paste. Scanning planets for minerals was kinda lame though.


ME3 looks like a great game from what I've seen. I'll definitely pick it up at some point, but I need to go back and replay ME2, because I think I lost 3 crew members at the end. I want to finish it right so they all come back in ME3.


ME2 did have a bit of the "empire strikes back" syndrome though. In the end not much is accomplished other than meeting new characters.

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I liked the first one a lot, but the second one wasn't as interesting IMO. I'll probably pick up the third one at some point though. If the leaked ending is true, be prepared for disappointment.


I haven't gotten to that point yet but the booklet that comes with the N7 edition sort of gave it away.



Last fight is apparently the Illusive Man. There's some concept art included in the booklet detailing the decision process as to his appearance.


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Played some more last night. Yeah, like other Mass Effect games it keeps getting better as it goes and you get to know the characters better. I feel like I'm gaining squad mates way slower in this one than in ME2, though. Maybe it's my imagination. However, I have kept gaining random people to just be on my ship and not in my squads.


Although, part of this feeling might be due to the fact that the only character in my squads I haven't met before is James.

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