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Got made redundant


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My friend found out he got fired once by showing up for work at Giant Soulless Corporation X and discovering that swiping his ID card no longer opened the door to the employee entrance. The security guard then informed him that means he no longer is an employee.

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My first thought as well, dont suppose you signed a contract?



Not selling, playyying! couple of the pedals are listed because I don't use them as much I should. Didn't sign a contract, they gave me a draft copy of a contract 6 months ago, and refused to let me meet them to finish it sigh!

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Sucks dude. Went through the same back in 08... ended up spending the time since then getting my master's degree. Good luck! Not sure how the job market is there but it's not so bad over here. Better than it used to be, that's for sure!

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