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Fuzz - To Stack, Or Not To Stack...

Dinosaur Sr.

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When gigging with a smaller amp, I usually have the amp goosed enough for the fuzz to get smoothed out a bit, but when using a higher headroom amp, I can't help but feel that some of my favorite fuzzes ('69, Ram's Head, for example) sound a bit too thin, almost on the buzzy side.


Just picked up a Catalinbread RAH (which is amazing in its own right) and I have been stacking some of my fuzz through it, and it certainly does the trick, it really helps fatten everything up. But can't help but feel some would see this as fuzz pedal sacrilege. Anyone else doing something similar on their boards?

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Are oyu kidding, I love stacking my Monsterpiece Classic through my Timmy - Fuzz into OD is byootiful.


OD is just trying to replicate you overdriven amp - so it makes perfect sense. Hell, amps with drive chanels are just clean amps with an OD circuit built in anyway.


You think Hendrix was playing into a nice clean amp, being sure there was no breakup before he hit the fuzz on? :)

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