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Everything posted by Hurtzher

  1. You could use a Keith McMillen 12-step to control a softsynth or send MIDI data... This was gonna be my suggestion.
  2. Ya know, he looks healthy, he sounds good, and he looks like he's having fun. If you had asked me five or six years ago I woulda' said he'd be dead by now. Good for him. Yeah, I didn't dig everything in that solo. But parts of it I thought were amazing. Like I said, good for him. Yep, good for him. He's playing and looking great.
  3. Two words: translucent smoke. MAN! That would look awesome!
  4. Do the Fender MIA bridge pickups still come with the 2 big phillips head screws on the bottom? I guess they sorta replicate a baseplate (don't quote me on that though). Those bridge pickups are supa warm and handle gain so well.
  5. If you want the 70's big headstock, I would just get a Highway 1. I had a MIJ 70's reissue though....that guitar sounded real nice-like.
  6. Sorry. I'm probably really missing out, but I don't buy into the pot manufacturer making a big difference. Values is values. Well, I can tell you on my Carvin Bolt a pot swap resulted in a noticeable difference. Stock, they come with mini-pots. I upgraded to CTS and also replaced the caps with orange drops. I liked the sound and range better. Plus, the new pots were easier to turn. THEN I dropped my guitar face first on the floor. Busted out the bottom tone pot (again, this a Carvin version of a Strat, and YES it has 3 knobs, not two...this is NOT stock). Replaced that with a Dimarzio pot. Noticed another (albeit, smaller) change for the better, in tone. SOOO, it would be my recommendation would be: http://accessories.musiciansfriend.com/product/DiMarzio-250K-Custom-Taper-Split-Shaft-Pot?sku=364665 I want to add these were not HUGE changes in tone. Subtle, yet noticeable. YMMV, of course.
  7. What's amazing is that they try to pass of a computer as a human being. Why not tell you that it's an automated system - they can't possibly beleive they're fooling anyone . . . Pshhh, I work as a sales consultant for a huge telecommunication company and you would be surprised on how many peeps think they are chatting with a live agent.
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