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I just picked up Skyrim for cheap after trading in a fist full of games I never play.

It's now loading, the lady just left to hang out with some friends, I have cold beers and chips. I also have tomorrow off work.

The stage is set for a good night. I'm just hoping I'm going to get hooked in quickly.



Sounds like a good night.

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So I'm through the first part - escaping from the dragon.

I'm pretty much just picking up everything that I find, and equipping armour and weapons with higher ratings.

I realise it's very early days, but I'm still a little overwhelmed.


Can someone give me a brief rundown on a good strategy to employ when playing a game like this?

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man oh man, i'm just walking around killing {censored}.


went to this village where the people wanted some mercs gone and the mercs wanted gold from the people. i told the mercs i'd get the gold from the people, so i did and got rewarded. then i killed the mercs and got extra gold and the reward of the people + gratitude. then i stole someone's daughter. this game man.

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Yeah I have more money saved up than I realized so I bought a Wii ($150 new with a Wii Motion Plus controller and Mario Bros Wii?!) today. Now to preorder Skyward Sword and I'll be happy for months. If it can rank among LTTP, OOT and Majora's Mask, it'll be something special. I hear that it is, too.

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Quote Originally Posted by decode6

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Haha. Do the quest in that mountain (finding the gold dragon claw) for starters. It's giving by the bro-sis shop owners in Riverwood.


Yeah that was my first quest. Took quite a while to finish it. Still getting to grips with fighting and using magic and whether or not to use a shield or not.

Besides being able to sell stuff that I pick up, is there any point to collecting heaps of {censored}?

Also, what does "waiting" do?

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Quote Originally Posted by Woodward & Sons

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Yeah that was my first quest. Took quite a while to finish it. Still getting to grips with fighting and using magic and whether or not to use a shield or not.

Besides being able to sell stuff that I pick up, is there any point to collecting heaps of {censored}?

Also, what does "waiting" do?


i must admit the selecting skill system for the fighting does feel *KIND OF* clunky even though it's very smart, i suppose this is the trade-off for a game made to be playable on a controller as well as pc.

pc could've had (and will probably get) hotkeys..

"waiting" means you wait that amount of time. you're wondering what it's useful for? some shops are closed at night, some stuff only happens this and that time of day, you're waiting for someone to finish their wank and go outside the city so you can stab them in the back, waiting for the cooldown for your racial ability, stuff like that.

everything that's worth a lot and doesn't weigh much - pick it up and sell/use. i have major troubles now that i'm killing all these dragons because the dragon bones/collars weigh {censored}loads and i must've killed 4 in a row trying to get somewhere, i had to throw out all my other stuff and make stops to put everything away.

if anyone has, like, a super-smart way of getting those {censored}ing dragons down from the sky i'd appreciate it, atm i'm just running around throwing {censored} at them until they notice me, and then they land and i chop them to pieces with my humongous sword. retarded lizards those.

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Quote Originally Posted by Woodward & Sons

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Besides being able to sell stuff that I pick up, is there any point to collecting heaps of {censored}?


I pick up all I can, and if I run out of space I keep what is the highest value to weight ratio, then sell everything in towns. If you kill the first dragon in Whiterun you get a companion named Lydia and you can have her carry {censored} for you too, I already got enough dough to buy a horse and house in Whiterun from grabbing as much as possible and selling it.

really getting my nerd on with this game, totally obsessed, kinda sad actually

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Quote Originally Posted by vidret

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i bought the house and the horse. the wh+re is just sitting on her ass in MY house doing piss all. what lvl you all at?


10 i think. the chick is ok to have around, if nothing else for additional storage, helps kill foos in dungeons
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