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Oh Sweet Sweet Hughes and Kettner


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I was wondering when a company would get around to doing this. I love the concept, but I gotta admit that I was not at all impressed with the clips. They sounded "digitized" and sterile. Some of the cleans were ok, although it's hard to tell with all those effects layered. It was almost like they were demo'ing the effects and not the amp. I'd like to hear it dry, no effects at all. That's how you judge tone. I can only imagine what they are going to charge for it.

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Hmmm...very interesting.

I'm the kind of guitar player who pretty much ALWAYS uses effects...whether it be some huge ass delay brought in with a volume pedal...or simple eq/boost. In fact, I don't beleive I have ever played a gig with just a guitar and amp.

SO recently I've been looking for an amp that has a switchable FX loop...so I can kick my processor in and out but still take advantage of guitar>amp tone.

I wonder if this will do it? I wonder if you still maintain a dedicated amp signal/tone? I'll definitely do some research.

And I will probably have to bite it and buy it brand-new just released price. People will still want an arm and a leg for it if they buy and don't like. It will be a couple years down the road before it has a decent depreciation.

Thanks for the HEADS up...hee=hee.

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Originally posted by 17 Tubes

SO recently I've been looking for an amp that has a switchable FX loop...so I can kick my processor in and out but still take advantage of guitar>amp tone.



the TSL has this feature. It is a great feature, I use it all the time. It comes in very handy when you are comparing wet/dry mix and setting your effects levels. I love it!

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H&K stuff always seems sterile and cold to me. I had a Mark I Triamp for awhile, and I have heard a few of their "vintage" amps, and they always seem a little "hi-fi" and overengineered.

Its an interesting idea, but is it really going to sound better than my Vetta II's? It seems like a compromise for no reason.

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