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anyone notice that monster calbes make things excessively bright??


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I noticed this over the weekend...I'm playin' my amp and there's fizz outta nowhere I just can't seem to get rid of...I usually use a guitar center instrument cable, but for whatever reason I had a monster rock cable plugged in...


so I swithced it up and, BAM...instant tone happiness again..


anyone else experience this?

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I am using them and I don't notice anything, having said that mine are the performer 500 that aren't supposedly made for rock. I notice I get more high end than with the cheapo cables they replaced but I think that is because they aren't cutting out the highs like the cheap ones. You endorsee's always have better hearing than us commoners though :)

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HAH! so I'm NOT crazy...LOL..

it was gettin' very depressing...the night before my gig I'm playin' (and trying to record, failing miserably mind you) and I'm like WTF!!!!!!!!! where's all this fizz comming from!!!

sux..I have like $200 in monsters that I collected over the years...sigh....

not sure if the monster speaker cables have the same effect??

I remember a/b'ing monsters and some other cables at a local music store WAYYY back in the day..and they did sound different...they sounded better on that amp (can't remember which one) but I just don't think it's a good match with my QR..i have very mid oriented guitars and pickups...alder w/ jb, ash with screamin demon and that with the monsters into my mid heavy splawn just ain't workin'..so normal cablesa for me from now on =D

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Originally posted by Sordid1

I am using them and I don't notice anything, having said that mine are the performer 500 that aren't supposedly made for rock. I notice I get more high end than with the cheapo cables they replaced but I think that is because they aren't cutting out the highs like the cheap ones. You endorsee's always have better hearing than us commoners though

oh stop...LOL...I WISH I were sponsored by monster...I woulda had $200 in my pocket..and with interest who knows how much that would be worth today...lmao

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Originally posted by Sordid1

I am using them and I don't notice anything, having said that mine are the performer 500 that aren't supposedly made for rock. I notice I get more high end than with the cheapo cables they replaced but I think that is because they aren't cutting out the highs like the cheap ones. You endorsee's always have better hearing than us commoners though

I dont notice this what soever. I use monsters in my series loop for my G Force and for my instrument and jumper cables .All I can tell is they bring out a more vomplet etonal freq? Strange iuve never heard that. Ill have to do the "taste test" with my George L's!

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Originally posted by Daneswede1

I dont notice this what soever. I use monsters in my series loop for my G Force and for my instrument and jumper cables .All I can tell is they bring out a more vomplet etonal freq? Strange iuve never heard that. Ill have to do the "taste test" with my George L's!



what kinda amp/guitar/pups are you using? maybe none of them are excessively bright to begin with?


I would say that if someone's got a dark sound that using them would probably be a big (and somewhat cheaper) improvement rather than goin' the whole new guitar/pup/amp route

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Originally posted by blargh

I've heard of guitarists using cheapo cable with lots of inductance to cut some highs and smooth their tone out. Expensive or high quality is not necessarily better in the guitar world.



+1, if you are hearing more highs it means the amp is getting more frequency, least IMO. Sounds like you made a better connection of the unwanted kind.

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Originally posted by shreder75

HAH! so I'm NOT crazy...LOL..

No, you're not crazy at all, I bought some monsters and returned them for the exact same reason. I don't care if my George Ls are rolling off high end compared to monsters, I just like the sound better and that's enough reason for me :)

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Originally posted by blargh

I've heard of guitarists using cheapo cable with lots of inductance to cut some highs and smooth their tone out. Expensive or high quality is not necessarily better in the guitar world.


Now this is something I would NOT practice doing! Using cheap cables to change your Frequency response, +/-dbs coming through or just chopping highs, lows, or mids out of your tone.


It seems logical to me to get the best possible tone out of your stock amp and then add one effect pedal / rackmt at a time tweaking your tone from there trying to carefully avoid introducing unwanted and un natural clipping of your tone. That is terrible! Of course if your purposely trying to boost your signal that is something else all together , im talking about cutting freq response through crappy cables / inadaquete outboard gear~!.

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I have had monster guitar cables for years. When using high gain sounds, I always hear loud noises any time I bump the monster cable. I switched to cheapo GC cables and the problem went away.
However, I can't really say I noticed a tone difference.

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Originally posted by Daneswede1

Now this is something I would NOT practice doing! Using cheap cables to change your Frequency response, +/-dbs coming through or just chopping highs, lows, or mids out of your tone.

It seems logical to me to get the best possible tone out of your stock amp and then add one effect pedal / rackmt at a time tweaking your tone from there trying to carefully avoid introducing unwanted and un natural clipping of your tone. That is terrible! Of course if your purposely trying to boost your signal that is something else all together , im talking about cutting freq response through crappy cables / inadaquete outboard gear~!.



I'm not saying use 'crappy' cables..I'm just saying that using the most expensive ones on the market don't always yield the best results =)

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Originally posted by '63-Strat

No, you're not crazy at all, I bought some monsters and returned them for the exact same reason. I don't care if my George Ls are rolling off high end compared to monsters, I just like the sound better and that's enough reason for me

hmm...I'm wondering, they do have a lifetime warranty....but I guess that's just an exchange policy? I'd like to retun them ALL and get some cash back and just buy a cable more to my liking...lol

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Which monster cables?

The performer 500s have a mid spike.

The monster jazz have a crisper high end

The monster pro1000s are dark and scooped

There's nothing wrong with monster cables... in fact they're pretty much the best cables you can buy at the major retail chains.. to get anything better you really need Evidence Audio, Zaolla etc

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Originally posted by shreder75

oh stop...LOL...I WISH I were sponsored by monster...I woulda had $200 in my pocket..and with interest who knows how much that would be worth today...lmao



Man I think they sound great with my rig but since I haven't played a Splawn maybe it wouldn't sound as good. Using the four cable method with my GT6 I realized I have like 85 foot of cable going on which is just crazy, definitely sounds better than what I was using before.

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Originally posted by Songman68

Here is a good review on guitar cables from Lava Cables site. It backs up what Shredder and Blargh are saying. Make sure you read the reviews of the cables and don't just pay attention to the number rating system.



wow, long in depth article! looks to have alotta good info though..I'll have to scope that out later..

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i use whatever i can afford...meaning, i grab whatever is about 15-20 feet long and about 10-15 bucks :D LOL ive never had a problem...and if it needs repair i do it myself! save pennies anyway i can! LOL

never tried a Monster though...but my buddy is using them pretty exclusively in his home studio, and in his car stereo...but thats not guitar cables. different environment.

oh Shreder dude...i have a solo i recorded for a song, wanna give it a listen? :D ill email it to ya LOL

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