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Saw Necrophagist last night...


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They executed everything flawlessly and had a great sound. Muhammed does most of the fills and his solos are the predominantly sweep and tapping ones. The new guy was just as much if, not more impressive, he takes the more melodic solos...then sweeps and taps:D . Not too much sequencing in the actual solos, but that's what riffs like that are for I suppose. No improvisation away from the albums to speak of. It's almost all harmonic minor, diminished and whole tone here, for those not familiar with the band. Stephan and Hans in the rhythm section are death metal MACHINES. Much more enjoyable than straight 16th note double kick or blasting the whole time, I'll take these guys over CC or Hate Eternal anyday (seen them too, a few times).


They opened with Stabwound and I remember them playing Ignomious and Pale, Foul Body Autopsy, Seven, Extreme Unction, Epitaph and Fermented Offal Discharge...like 2 or 3 more songs I don't recall (too many beverages and hanging out).


I talked to all of them, Muhammed's 30, everybody else ranges from 23 (the drummer, who didn't trigger that I saw or heard this night) to 26 (the bassist), Muhammed's the only one with a dayjob...something in computers, don't remember. They're all very polite and reserved and speak English well, Hans' vocabulary is more limited though. They're totally psyched about being in America again and after this...they're coming back through with another line-up, and finally will make the rounds a 3rd time supporting Cannibal, if I understood them correctly.


They left the Vigier's at home, Muhammed had a BC Rich Stealth, the other guy had a European Rhoads (not a Ran). Engl Savages (horziontal bars in the grill?), everything around 12 o'clock, but the gain is more around 3. Racked G major's with their own presets (scrolling Necrophagist, heheh) and ISP Decimators. 2 Vader straight 4x12's each and that's it. Simple but VERY effective.


If you like tech death, check 'em out while they're here. If not, bugger off.:wave:

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Awesome dude...May 29th I will see them finally. I've been waiting for so long, fuck the haters. :D


The pics from the New England Metal Fest show them playing Engl SEs. I wonder if they bought em or are borrowing while they are here...Hmmm. Regardless, I'm psyched as hell.



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Gear / setup report for the Seattle show...



Muhammed - BC Rich Stealth, TC Electronic G-Force (with Necrophagist scrolling across), Peavey 5150 II (a friend of mine took a snapshot of the settings I will get it from him and post them), ISP Decimator ProRack G was in his rack but turned off, Vader 4x12 Fullstack. Muhammad didn't use a noisegate, just switched to his clean channel whenever he wasn't playing. Interestingly enough Stefan (bass) switched between Muhammed's different effects patches for him (at least tonight).


Sami - Amfisound Custom RR, ISP Decimator ProRack G, TC Electronic G-Major, ENGL SE, Vader 4x12 Fullstack


All other touring bands used the Vader Fullstacks for their cabs.



Jim - Rocktron Voodoo Valve (whatever it is called) and a QSC power amp, Pink RG550 w/EMGs (with a hairtie at the locking nut to help mute the strings)


Other guy - Rocktron Voodoo Valve, some other rack gear, but I didn't get a good look at it



Will - Jackson Professional Dinky, Boss GT-6 into Muhammed's 5150II.


Rob - Neckthru BC Rich with a normal body shape (not sure the model), 5150.



Guy #1 - Steinberger of some sort, Digitech 2120 into a 5150II

Guy #2 - No clue on his gear, but he was running into a 5150

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Originally posted by Inearthed


Guy #1 - Steinberger of some sort, Digitech 2120 into a 5150II

Guy #2 - No clue on his gear, but he was running into a 5150


I find it interesting that Mark took one of his preamps (he's got like, 3 or 4 of those fucking Digitech things! :freak: ) but he didn't take his poweramp too. :confused:

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Originally posted by cobrahead1030

i would assume it won't work on american power

that's why a lot of bands who tour over continents have to rent gear when they do so



Well, they could always use adapters and such. Also, flying with such large equipment can get $$$. Also, say they lost their 860s, they are {censored}ed since they are out of production.



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Originally posted by code_blue

The lineup in Orlando:

Will's Pub

Monday May22nd



Cattle Decapitation




Into The Moat

Closed Casket Diary




I'm soooooooo going to that.....I know a couple friends who would probably join me too :) Anybody wanna meet up?

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Here are Muhammed's 5150II settings


Rhythm (used as basically an "off")

Pre - 5.1 (just a hair past 5)

Low - 6

Mid - 2

High - 2

Post - 0

Resonance - 4.7

Presence - 3.7



Pre - 8 (so the tip of the knob is covering the top half of the 8)

Low - 4.5

Mid - 5

High - Just a little below 7

Post - 3.5

Resonance - 5

Presence - 5.2

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