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OT: Al-Zarqawi Dead


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Originally posted by exposeenmity

If he was such a great terrorist leader, why didn't he blow himself up in sacrifice?


It's a little hard for a leader to lead if they turn themselves into fertilizer.

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Originally posted by 17 Tubes

If you think terrorism will just go away iof we leave Iraq, you are one poor excuse for a human. Thgis job needs to be finished if it goes down to the last innocent person on Earth, because that's what would happen anyway, if they can help it. Once they get done killing all the "infidels", they're conditioning won't just stop. There will always be some cause to keep blowing stuff up and chopping off heads.


and look what happened when the US pulled out of a country prematurely - Somalia?

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I'm rejoicing here!

Not just the leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, but seven of his cohorts as well.

These people weren't just killing American soldiers, they were murdering dozens of Iraqis ON A DAILY BASIS.

I don't see how this is anything but a great victory for our troops and for the Iraqi people.

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Originally posted by 17 Tubes

YEah...not like in the old days when we'd bomb the {censored} out whole cities to insure peace in the world.

ANd it's not like Al_Zarqawi and other terrorists would actually try to look civilian while bombin busses and other innocent people so it's hard to tell who is who.

No....It's one reason we are losing this "War". They're willing to do dirty work and we are not. We used to be. Intead, we just let this war go on and on, while our boys get blown to shreds.

The US military has Honor and Respect for other persons. We try not to kill civilians. It's part of the Geneva Convention rules we fight by.

As far as "dirty work," 50 years ago civilian newscasters respected the President and this country and didn't report every mistake the government or military made in the news world wide. Remember, there were presidents that could not walk, had affairs with actressess and their screwups were not in world view. Now every reporter is looking for "The Story" putting the news above the greater good of this country.

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Mike Berg sent a letter to the Los Angeles Times shortly after his son got beheaded. He said among other things "I'm sure the people who killed my son saw the good in my son's eyes before they killed him. President Bush never saw the good in my son's eyes, and he is the worst". Berg is definately an Al-Quaeda sympasizer.

Have you ever seen that video?

Nick Berg's father was interviewed on CNN and said he was saddened by the death of Zarqawi.
"He was a human being"

If this were my father I would dump him for someone who was not an idiot.

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I just have to shake my head in disgust at those who cannot even acknowledge that this is GOOD NEWS! You want to see media bias? Just watch how they'll grudgingly report this story only to immediately remind everyone about all those big bad evil marines doing such aweful things in Iraq. And you won't see a single liberal dummycrat in Congress stand up and congratulate the militiary for taking out the murderer of THOUSANDS of Iraqi civilians, not to mention the man responsible for the videotaped beheading of Nick Berg. Don't think so? Just watch the news tonight and see if Shrilliary Clinton stands up and gives props for this. No, she's too busy whining about Anne Coulter.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by vlad

Make no mistake about it... they fear us bigtime..

Oh this is a major blow, make no mistake about that. It just won't seem like it because the Islamic media won't plaster its front pages and newscasts with whiny stories about how they're losing the war.

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Originally posted by PlayboyChris

Oh this is a major blow, make no mistake about that. It just won't seem like it because the Islamic media won't plaster its front pages and newscasts with whiny stories about how they're losing the war.

Yeah... {censored} 'em and their delusions... :D
They're losing... Will it be the end of terrorism? Probably not. Terrorism is as old as mankind... But we're doing fine.

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Originally posted by macmax

what i said cloudnine, they have been fighting for 3,000 years, so what can make us believe we will stop that?

*shrugs* All I can say is, he in particular isn't going to be cutting off any more heads. Who have they been fighting for 3,000 years? I would think he'd look a little older...


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Originally posted by gearo999

The US military has Honor and Respect for other persons. We try not to kill civilians. It's part of the Geneva Convention rules we fight by.

As far as "dirty work," 50 years ago civilian newscasters respected the President and this country and didn't report every mistake the government or military made in the news world wide. Remember, there were presidents that could not walk, had affairs with actressess and their screwups were not in world view. Now every reporter is looking for "The Story" putting the news above the greater good of this country.

Hey, I'm with you my brother. I have only the UTMOST respect and honor for our military, both past and present.

However, the reality is that innocent people will be killed. Especially when the enemy are such cowards that their entire MO is to blend in with civilians. Add to that the soldiers have TV cameras at their backs, recording every incident, which IMO is a mistake on the militarty's part. The soldiers should not have that added fear of reprisal for actions in a wartime situation, certainly not media/civilian pressure.

To think that we can fight global terrorism without innocent lives being lost is ludicrus. We as Americans have assumed that responsibility and guilt in the past. But can't seem to muster up the fortitude now. And our boys are dying and maimed for it. That was my only point.

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Originally posted by macmax

Pete , in that particular geographical area of the world, they have been fighting for that long, i only hope God is on our side, we were the ones that went there and we are the ones that have been there for a long time now since we started helping Israel.

As i said , let us only believe that cutting one head will not bring out seven more, but anyway, i am happy that one is on the other side as i write this, i mean , dead!

can you answer a question for me that no liberal has the balls to answer? Why is it wrong to help Israel? Why can't we be friends with Israel and the Arabs? Can you answer that please?

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Originally posted by SkidMarx

can you answer a question for me that no liberal has the balls to answer? Why is it wrong to help Israel? Why can't we be friends with Israel and the Arabs? Can you answer that please?

Because the Arabs want to kill Isreal? And the friend of an enemey is an enemy?

But then you throw oil in the mix and itgets kind of messy.

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