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Who carries a gun?


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Originally posted by SteveVHT

I have a full carry CCW here in NY.

1. Know about firearms

2. Know your laws

3. Make sure that if you pull it, you use it.

4. Shoot to kill, not to injur, or you'll get sued.

5. Make sure you need it, not just want it.

6. Be an excellent marksman.

There are way too many variables for every situation. If you carry it, be willing and able to take a human life and deal with it mentally and emotionally. They are not toys and should be given more respect than you know. Proper training in all phases of self defense are critical. Don't carry one just to be tough or cool.

I've been an NRA member since 12, and went through full Police/FBI firearms training several times. It is a last resort and should only be used to save yours or someones life in a life and death situation.


Great put Steve. :thu:

I own several guns and wanted a CCW as well. But gun laws here in CA are so shrewed that i know they won't give me one basing on my "needs".

But i agree with everything you wrote up there.

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Originally posted by Burningleaves

What kind of work do you do that puts you in that kinda danger? Best bet is a new job and some kind of self defense training. Everyone should at least know a few moves.

That is all good and well, but all the training in the world can't stop a bullet. I have 18 years in martial arts, and I sure as {censored} can't catch a bullet with my teeth yet...:D
The problem lies with the people around you. This world is very unpredictable, and you never know what someone will do. There is nothing more dangerous than an unstable nutjob with an illegal gun who is so damn nervous to begin with, that the slightest twitch will make their gun fire.
As stated above...I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6.

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Originally posted by Burningleaves

What kind of work do you do that puts you in that kinda danger? Best bet is a new job and some kind of self defense training. Everyone should at least know a few moves.

I'm a dentist.:D

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Yeh, there's far easier and cheaper routes, in a scuffle mace or pepper spray will send anyone into a retarded convulsing frenzy, giving you more than enough time for you to exit your sticky situation and still have a clean conscience.

Think again.

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Originally posted by Armitage

Why would you want to live or work somewhere so bad you need to carry a gun?



Good question:


Get a new job and avoid being in places where you need a gun.


That being said, I think there is merit in owning a gun, keeping it loaded and in a safe place, and being open and up front with your kids about it's use. Train them, and demystify the whole affair. This way if someone does break into your home you can protect yourself and your loved ones.


BTW - the reason I say loaded, is that looking for your bullets and loading a gun when you need it could be all the time a bad guy needs to harm you.


Oh and shoot to kill, don't threaten or try and make a "citizen's arrest" that too can get you killed. Of course if you have anger issues, this does not apply....NEVER, EVER, EVER pull out a gun to win an argument, make a point or to dominate someone...that is wrong , and aside from possibly harming someone you love, you could end up doing 15-life in prison. People with anger control problems should not own or be around guns, period.


About knives, fuhgetaboutit, a knife is only effective when your attacker does not have a gun (and even gthen only if you know what you are doing), a gun trumps a knife everytime, and once you show the knife most bad guys will feel justified in blowing you away, knives are just a bad idea for self defense, IMO.

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Originally posted by SteveVHT

Hell....Pizza and Chinese food delivery guys get killed all the time in NY for a few dollars by POS {censored}wads...




Yeah, I'd definitely have some kind of protection from crackhead mother{censored}ers if I had a delivery job in a town of any decent size.

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Originally posted by TomVanDeven

Yeh, there's far easier and cheaper routes, in a scuffle mace or pepper spray will send anyone into a retarded convulsing frenzy, giving you more than enough time for you to exit your sticky situation and still have a clean conscience.

Think again.




And I've also seen a guy maced by police take out 6 cops before he was subdued....

Pepper spray/Mace will not stop a drugged out psycho...


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Originally posted by gdwill2u

BTW - the reason I say loaded, is that looking for your bullets and loading a gun when you need it could be all the time a bad guy needs to harm you.




In NY, it is against the law to carry a gun that does not have a bullet in the chamber, ready to fire immediately.

All my guns are always loaded and ready. That is the only way.......


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And this is why I love Canada. We don't feel the need to have a gun up here for protection. People don't have guns, people don't need guns. Gun related killings are low compared to the US. I guess if I lived south of the border I would have a gun. I would probably feel the need to have a gun cuz everybody else has one. For now I'll stick to walking downtown with the only sort of protection in my pocket being a condom.

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Originally posted by cloudnine

I love Canada so very very much.

I've only been to Canada north of detroit (Windsor?) It seems like a cool place, but i'm not a fan of the cold. I watched some documentary on violence and they were talking about how much less gun violence there is up there. Isn't prostitution tolerated up there? Maybe we need to loosen up some down here :)

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Originally posted by SteveVHT

That is all good and well, but all the training in the world can't stop a bullet. I have 18 years in martial arts, and I sure as {censored} can't catch a bullet with my teeth yet...
The problem lies with the people around you. This world is very unpredictable, and you never know what someone will do. There is nothing more dangerous than an unstable nutjob with an illegal gun who is so damn nervous to begin with, that the slightest twitch will make their gun fire.

As stated above...I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6.


So why did you even bother with martial arts then?

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Originally posted by Gitfiddler

I've only been to Canada north of detroit (Windsor?) It seems like a cool place, but i'm not a fan of the cold. I watched some documentary on violence and they were talking about how much less gun violence there is up there. Isn't prostitution tolerated up there? Maybe we need to loosen up some down here

It's not really that cold and its hot as hell now. There is very little gun crime though it has increased recently.

That's why when people say "gun control doesnt work!" I merely point to the fact that Toronto had about ~50 gun murders last year of a city of about 5.5 million people. :idea:

But nope, hookers still arent legal. ;)

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Originally posted by Burningleaves

So why did you even bother with martial arts then?



I started at 10 years old. But like I said, no human can stop a bullet....

If I am doing a large bank deposit and someone wants it, they are not going to fight for it....they will shoot me and take it. So all the self defense in the world will not help.

And if you beleive those bubble gum karate schools that alot of people go to, disarming a man with a gun is not as simple as grabbing it....which is why 90% of martial arts schools should be closed down for ripping off their customers...


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Originally posted by cloudnine

It's not really that cold and its hot as hell now. There is very little gun crime though it has increased recently.

That's why when people say "gun control doesnt work!" I merely point to the fact that Toronto had about ~50 gun murders last year of a city of about 5.5 million people.

But nope, hookers still arent legal.

Someone was just telling me yesterday about regular trips to Montreal to parttake in some nice Canadian hookers.

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Originally posted by DirtyBird

But part of me wonders if that's even a very smart thing to do. Sure I go to some dangerous places at night for my job, and yes I do very much feel like Im in danger out in these places sometimes if Im not careful... but will shooting someone really help?



I don't recommend it. Even if you shoot someone and it's completely justifiable self-defense. You will still be arrested and still go to jail, then trial, where you will be required to prove it was warranted. And you better hope there were witnesses that got a good view of the entire event. During this lengthy process, you will of course be incarcerated, unless you were able to bond out. Oh, and you better be able to afford a damn good lawyer too.

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Originally posted by SteveVHT

I started at 10 years old. But like I said, no human can stop a bullet....

If I am doing a large bank deposit and someone wants it, they are not going to fight for it....they will shoot me and take it. So all the self defense in the world will not help.

And if you beleive those bubble gum karate schools that alot of people go to, disarming a man with a gun is not as simple as grabbing it....which is why 90% of martial arts schools should be closed down for ripping off their customers...





I agree that self defense vs a bullet isnt realistic. It also seems that you have a realistic reason to carry a handgun. IMO though I just dont think it's a good idea for a a dude just turning 21 to go out and get a "carrying" permit and start packing a side-arm because he doesnt feel safe delivering Pizza (someone mentioned thats his job). It just doesnt sit well with me. Someone in that position and at that age should just get a dif job if they feel that threatened.

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