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What has happened to the US ??


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Originally posted by potaetoes

oh come on now... that's not even a half-assed try.

dogs are spayed and neutered without their consent, and in many places, they are also made into dinner. they're led around on leashes and choke chains, kept in kennels, and euthanized by the thousands every day. they are typically banned from so much as walking around in public unattended.

so, would you agree that dogs, like cows, are not to be held to the same standards as people?

I'm not sure what your point is?? Humans are held to higher standards than dogs? On that we can agree :thu:

Once again no one has shot down the argument.


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Originally posted by rememberduane

It is 100% hypocritical to say you love the flag and what it stands for but think that flag burning should be a punishable offense. Sorry, but it's just true.

Just because the flag represents FREEDOM does NOT mean that we are completely free to do whatever we please..

There are flaws with the United States. The ones who truly love it are the ones willing to fix it, not the ones who turn a blind eye to the problems.

EVERYONE would like to "FIX" America...our country is divided on exactly what "FIX America" entails...

True patriots include Martin Luther King Jr, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks, Henry Drummond, Thomas Jefferson ("The highest form of patriotism is dissent."), Benjamin Franklin, among others.

Most of these people considered 'burning the flag' as TREASON and would have the perpetrator shot...

Burning the flag is symbolic speech.

of a disrespectful, childish expression

ofFirst amendment. THE most important civil liberty.

ehhh,....er, ....all of the Amendments are IMPORTANT!

Don't think you can get emotional and avoid that fact.

I 'get it' if you don't agree with you, then, you are emotional...sorry, doesn't follow...

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Originally posted by Iceman8.6

If you really believe that then get on a 747 to England and start talking about the bomb you've got hidden on the plane somewhere. Your "free speech" will come with a price.

Unprotected speech, not to mention international jurisdiction. This is why we have a supreme court. Now go rest your little head. I've got milk and cookies. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by rgf

I'm not sure what your point is?? Humans are held to higher standards than dogs? On that we can agree

Once again no one has shot down the argument.


I can't shoot down an argument that isn't there :confused: Once again, humans are not cows or dogs.

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Originally posted by potaetoes

overpopulation to the point of exceeding the carrying capacity of our ecosystem (a.k.a. earth), as a direct result of heterosexual human reproduction, is rapidly ensuring our doom.

Are you warning us to go gay or face the consequences? lol...hah...

If you think this Earth is and always will be the lone domain of Man, you are mistaken. It was just a few hundred years ago most or Europe had no idea about the NA continent. We'll do the same with another planet/system, hopefully without killing off whatever native population is at hand.

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Originally posted by guitar shmoe

Just because the flag represents FREEDOM does NOT mean that we are completely free to do whatever we please..

In this case, we are free. Symbolic free speech has been protected by the Supreme Court time and time again. I recommend taking a class in Constitutional Law at your local community college.

Originally posted by guitar shmoe

EVERYONE would like to "FIX" America...our country is divided on exactly what "FIX America" entails...


Originally posted by guitar shmoe

Most of these people considered 'burning the flag' as TREASON and would have the perpetrator shot...

Really? Have you spoken to them? Do you have documents in which they stated this? Quotes? Good try, Cletus.

Originally posted by guitar shmoe

of a disrespectful, childish expression

Subjective and unbased.

Originally posted by guitar shmoe

ehhh,....er, ....all of the Amendments are IMPORTANT!

Again, take the Constitutional Law course, and maybe one in political philosophy. A democracy hinges on free speech, freedom of press, free expression, etc. This is why it's the FIRST amendment.

Originally posted by guitar shmoe

I 'get it' if you don't agree with you, then, you are emotional...sorry, doesn't follow...

Actually, my assumption was the cursing and emotional/angry tone indicated being emotional. But nice try again, Cletus.

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Originally posted by blargh

I can't shoot down an argument that isn't there
Once again, humans are not cows or dogs.

He's saying:

Everyone was saying if your against gays, it's becuase you are placing your values, morals, and way of thinking upon other people. And that is supposedly wrong.

Everyone against him seems pretty sure the cow doesn't enjoy it. Ya have to wonder how everyone came by such strong position.


SO the issue is...where do you draw the line? What is the real age of consent? Does anyone really {censored}ing CARE if a cow get reemed by a perv?

There's many aspects people are missing simply for the casue of argument.

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Originally posted by rememberduane

In this case, we are free. Symbolic free speech has been protected by the Supreme Court time and time again. I recommend taking a class in Constitutional Law at your local community college.


Really? Have you spoken to them? Do you have documents in which they stated this? Quotes? Good try, Cletus.

Subjective and unbased.

Again, take the Constitutional Law course, and maybe one in political philosophy. A democracy hinges on free speech, freedom of press, free expression, etc. This is why it's the FIRST amendment.

Actually, my assumption was the cursing and emotional/angry tone indicated being emotional. But nice try again, Cletus.

Actually, I have taken a few (heheh) courses in Constitutional Law...(part of my Business degree...) I have a little bit of a background in this area. Most people here, on this forum are mis-interpreting the First Amendment. Probably because of the onslaught of left-wing activist Judges on the Supreme Court lately....that is being changed however....

when you get outta High School maybe we can sit down and have a civilized converation about Constitutional things?

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Buring a flag isn't freedom of speech. Or even freedom of..."expression".:rolleyes:

If you just get to the point and cut to the chase, it's done to get attention....not SAY anything.

Unless of course you count disrespecting every American soldier and citizen who gives a dman.

I say {censored} it...don't make the damn ammendment. Let's just kick the assholes head in. That will give him the attention he craves.

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Originally posted by Romanian Reaper

Unless you ever served anywhere other than behind a Taco Bell counter you can't even begin to understand how sacred we hold that flag. Since the birth of this nation that flag has represented sacrifice. On military bases we stop everything for reveille and retreat each day to pay respect to that flag. We salute it going up and salute it going down.

Bill Frist (R - Tenn) : "Countless men and women have died defending that flag. It is but a small humble act for us to defend it."

Daniel Inouye (D - Hawaii) : "While I take offense at disrespect to the flag, I nonetheless believe it is my continued duty as a veteran, as an American citizen, and as a United States senator to defend the constitutional right of protesters to use the flag in nonviolent speech."

Can you guess which of these two men is a veteran, who lost his right arm while serving in combat, and is a winner of the Medal of Honor? Hint: It's not Frist.

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if marriage is a thing between a husband and a wife. man and woman. Then why does all of society bitch and moan when a man marries a woman half his age? My dad can tell you stories about the opposition he went up against. But he is man. She is woman..

What part of the bible are they violating? Even Joseph and mary were far apart.

Its because humans are never happy.
They feel they have to protect marriage from everything but infidelity and divorce (its biggest threat).

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Originally posted by guitar shmoe

Actually, I have taken a few (heheh) courses in Constitutional Law...(part of my Business degree...) I have a little bit of a background in this area. Most people here, on this forum are mis-interpreting the First Amendment. Probably because of the onslaught of left-wing activist Judges on the Supreme Court lately....that is being changed however....

when you get outta High School maybe we can sit down and have a civilized converation about Constitutional things?

Either your professor was extremely right-wing or you never took the courses. Are you saying that symbolic speech isn't protected? Get over it, you don't know what you're talking about and are trying to pull some credibility out of nowhere.

Or do you think that Supreme Court Justices have been less capable of interpreting the Constitution than you?

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Originally posted by vegas_jay

Bill Frist (R - Tenn) : "Countless men and women have died defending that flag. It is but a small humble act for us to defend it."

Daniel Inouye (D - Hawaii) : "While I take offense at disrespect to the flag, I nonetheless believe it is my continued duty as a veteran, as an American citizen, and as a United States senator to defend the constitutional right of protesters to use the flag in nonviolent speech."

Can you guess which of these two men is a veteran, who lost his right arm while serving in combat, and is a winner of the Medal of Honor? Hint: It's not Frist.


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Originally posted by tommythelurker

Ugh, it's not your choice of animal that's the problem. There's no connection being established between homosexuality and beastiality. They're two different things and you haven't presented anything that connects the two.

I have presented the question. No one has presented anything of substance that rebuts the analogy. If you believe the two items are not connected, tell me why?

Originally posted by tommythelurker

Are you still trying to be logical? Because that's an opinion stated as if it were fact which doesn't not follow any sort of logic.

The 'if it feels good' crowd hasn't faired so well in the past. If you need a history lesson I suggest you read a book.

Originally posted by tommythelurker



Everyone always says 'if two men love each other, they should be able to marry'


not everyone...

OK. I concede that not 'everyone' says this....but a very vocal minority do say it.

Originally posted by tommythelurker

It's a different kind of "love". I've never heard of anyone wanting to marry a dog.

I'm sure someone has tried it, even though you 'haven't heard of it'. The points that 'pro gay marriage folk' use to support their argument are the same ones that will be used to justify the next step (whatever that might be).

Originally posted by tommythelurker

Not sure what point you're trying to make here but I believe in some states it's legal to marry at age 16 (I know thats the age of consent in some states, even lower in some).

I'm not sure what the state by state age requirements are for marriage, but that wasn't the point.

Originally posted by tommythelurker

The "rules and social norms" are what society makes them and this is what is up for debate. You can't use the issue itself to argue the issue. how do you know gay marriage isn't helping the survival of the species? Did you create us?

I'm not even going to dignify the 'did you create us' question with a response. One thing is certain. Homosexuals do not procreate. I believe by defintion that probably wouldn't ensure the survival of the species. It is an interesting question though, they might help in some other instance, but it is beyond me :confused:

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