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Wisdom teeth coming out... forget drug?


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Originally posted by Bob Savage

Plus, if they think you're going to get hungry, they need to have a chef on hand, which means they'll also need to attach a poo bag to your balloon knot.

This is getting very complicated.



They actually feed you intravenously

bowel control isnt an issue either

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Originally posted by Bob Savage

Interesting, I waited too long and ended up with impacted, infected wisdom teeth too. I wasn't catheterized either, but my rear end was sore when I woke up, for some reason.



Well... that's a whole 'nother story there...



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Originally posted by Bob Savage

But what if you have a nervous sphinkter? All things must be considered. Trust me, I've had my wisdom teeth pulled, I know these things.



Im sure the dentists dont mind getting piss and {censored} all over them during operation.

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Originally posted by fancynapkin

It depends on how long the operation is. If there is a likely chance you'll pee, then they have no choice.

They will definently have to put a breathing tube down your throat, which isnt fun.

local anaethetics arent something to be afraid of in this situation.



People don't get catheterized to have their wisdom teeth out. Period. They don't put a breathing tube down your throat either. Period. You have NO idea what you are talking about...



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Originally posted by Sambo_The_Secon

I have never known anyone to have a wisdom tooth out WITHOUT a general anaesthetic. My sister had all of hers out when she was about 17 and she was knocked out cold.

No freakin' way would I want to be awake through all that stabbing and yanking by a former grease monkey let loose with a monkey wrench!

(the above statement about former grease monkeys is entirely fictional and does not mean any link be it fact or fiction!)



I had my wisdom teeth pulled with just a local. No way am I going to be unconcious in front of dentists, those guys are freaks.


It was painful, but you know, a little pain never hurt anyone. It felt better when the pain stopped.



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Originally posted by fancynapkin

Im sure the dentists dont mind getting piss and {censored} all over them during operation.



This is why they have the sanitation department present with their super dooper pooper scooper, for long surgeries. All things must be considered.

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Originally posted by Bob Savage

Plus, if they think you're going to get hungry, they need to have a chef on hand, which means they'll also need to attach a poo bag to your balloon knot.

This is getting very complicated.






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Originally posted by sah5150

People don't get catheterized to have their wisdom teeth out. Period. They don't put a breathing tube down your throat either. Period. You have NO idea what you are talking about...




If the operation is going to take like, 20 hours, they might need to catheterize you, and stuff.

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Originally posted by Digital Jams

Classic, just freaking classic stuff here sports fans.

So in a nut shell you will need......


colostomy bag


something about tying ballons into knots

Nasal spray dope



tea bags

Holy crap this is going to cost some money

Good luck.

I'm sure there's more stuff, but I think this is a good start.

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Originally posted by Digital Jams

You are using wikipedia over a medical journal for your source of information.

Thread had now reached mid legendary status.



"The equipment she is about to use to administer the anesthetic and support the patient's life and vital functions during the procedure is now checked out. It includes an anesthesia gas machine and a ventilator--a machine that will pump oxygen and anesthesia gases to the patient's lungs through an endotracheal tube placed in the patient's windpipe with the aid of a laryngoscope--a tubular instrument used to look into the interior of the larynx."


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Originally posted by Digital Jams

But it is medical, kind of like when you looked at the National Geographics in school Bob.



I don't remember any NG mags at school, except every once in a while, I'd see one on the floor in a bathroom stall. What's that all about anyway?

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