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** POLL ** Are you guys all death metal's?


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Originally posted by TU BE

I have too wide of a range in musical taste to pick just one of the above categories.

But yes, I do like Death Metal.



+1 I don't confine myself to any of those catergories.


I like heavy metal, but not Death Metal for the most part.

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Originally posted by TU BE

I have too wide of a range in musical taste to pick just one of the above categories.

But yes, I do like Death Metal.



Me too. I like some Death Metal, but I like a lot of other genre's too. When I was a teenager, all I listened to was thrash/death/speed/black metal. Eventually got bored with it and ventured out into new territory.

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Death Metal (only few (Death/Cynic/Meshuggah)
Heavy Metal (mehhh....)
Progressive (:thu: Yes,Tool)
Hard Rock (OK)
Modern Rock ([throws-up])
Classic Rock (WAYYY COOL Zep,Floyd,Hendrix etc.)
Grunge (God i love Alice and Soundgarden, Nirvana=meh)
Alternative (please specify)
Jazz (No i'm not one of those guys that think they should like Jazz to be respected by other musicians, it just sounds like a neurotic pile of poo to me...)

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I voted death metal because its probably the closest option to what I regularly listen to, be it death, black, thrash or power metal.

I listen to other stuff - bb king, vivaldi, chopin, bach, waylon jennings, kris kristopherson (general highwaymen type stuff) but probably 80% of the time, you'll find me with something metal.

What you have to realise, generally jazzers and bluesers share a common bond with punkers. That is they usually have a clear idea about how they want their sound: there isn't a lot to it. So what does one guy will do 1000. I know thats a total generalisation, but I feel that timbre, feel and general dynamics are harder to achieve and put accross with more extreme metal where a high gain amplifier/pickup/guitar/harmonica is the order of the day. You compare, say, Lurch from Cannibal Corpse' tone to Alexi Laiho. Ignoring that they are different schools of metal, Alexi is quite a weak and middly tone compared to cannibal Corpse' fairlu scooped and full on tone.

Not to say that bluesers et al dont care baout amps but yada yada

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