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OT: Need some book recommendations


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Give me something worth reading that isn't too heavy that really sucks you into the characters and story that I can plow through in a couple of days (well, it'll make me want to read it non-stop until I'm done like that).


Preferably no real "pop" stuff, I'm talking the real deal, not light airport reading..

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Give me something worth reading that isn't too heavy that really sucks you into the characters and story that I can plow through in a couple of days (well, it'll make me want to read it non-stop until I'm done like that).

Preferably no real "pop" stuff, I'm talking the real deal, not light airport reading..



Interested in the wild world of the music biz as seen through the eyes of the lowly engineer?


The Daily Adventures of Mixerman

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What Is the What, The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng by Dave Eggers.

Or read some Dave Eggers period. Kinda like a Vonnegut type of vibe, but more character depth. Kinda cynical, kinda hipster style of writing...not everybody likes it.

David Sedaris. Any of his stuff is entertaining and very character driven.

I guess the above material would be considered Non-Fiction? It's debateable.

P.S Your Cat Is Dead by James Kirkwood. I've read parts of it, but haven't gotten the chance to steal the damn thing from my buddy.

Bukowski, Hemingway, Kerouac come to mind.

Hope this helped. Or maybe I just rambled my ass off...

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Orwell : Down and out in Paris and London (hilarious satire about the life of homeless and poor people in Paris and London).


Mihail Bulgakov : The Master and Margarita (The Devil arrives to Moscow and chaos ensues).


Oscar Wilde : Dorian Gray


Arturo Perez-Reverte : The Ninth Gate and La Carta Esferica (I don't know what is the english title).

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Give me something worth reading that isn't too heavy that really sucks you into the characters and story that I can plow through in a couple of days (well, it'll make me want to read it non-stop until I'm done like that).

Preferably no real "pop" stuff, I'm talking the real deal, not light airport reading..




Who is the chick in your avatar?



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"American Gods"- Neil Gaiman

"Snow Crash"- Neal Stephenson

"Farenheit 451"- Ray Bradbury

"Stranger in a Strange Land"- Robert Heinlien



Read these too, though thanks for the suggestions.


Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite current authors, I wish he'd write more books and less short stories.

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Read these too, though thanks for the suggestions.



Hmm... I read a lot, and for some reason, I'm drawing blanks as to suggestions. I know you mentioned not being a Stephen King fan, but if you haven't already, check out "The Stand". It has a very different tone from anything else that he's done, and it's a great read... not to mention it's LONG. Around 1500 (give or take) pages (uncut version). Great character development, great story...


If that doesn't work for you, I'm fresh outta idears. Good luck.

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even if you're not a king fan, i recommend bag of bones and cell. bag of bones is his take on both a love story and a ghost story, and it is a page turner. cell is sorta like a well written dawn of the dead zombie type book. the action starts within the first 15 pages, and never really stops. basically, these two stories stand alone and will have your undivided attention. now, if you want your reading to have some significance, or somehow relate to the real world, nevermind. they are not great works of art, but they are great stories.

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