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B-52 AT-212 or Fender Hot Rod Deluxe


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I have never played on a b-52 amp, but the reviews seem to be good, as do the reviews on a hot rod deluxe. If i am looking to play an equal amount of clean as i am with light to moderate distortion, is one obviously better than the other? There is a 100 dollar price difference, the b-52 is 100 more, but fender has that trademark clean. thanks!

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I have never played on a b-52 amp, but the reviews seem to be good, as do the reviews on a hot rod deluxe. If i am looking to play an equal amount of clean as i am with light to moderate distortion, is one obviously better than the other? There is a 100 dollar price difference, the b-52 is 100 more, but fender has that trademark clean. thanks!

I don't get it. What sounds are you concerned with? Those two amps couldn't be much more different sounding.

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b-52 clean isnt very good



I disagree wholeheartedly. The clean may not be as good as a Fender, but it is pretty damn good. And the distortion blows the HRD out of the water.


AS for the recto comparison, I guess it can get that sound, but it is far from the only thing you can get out of it. With some tweaking and an EQ in the loop, you can cover most of the ground you will ever need. The one knock that I have heard is in reliability, though my understanding is that they have rectified the problems with the initial run.

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If you are into classic rock distortion, I'd run far and fast from a Hot Rod.



You're right, that's just awful sounding.


Post up clips of your Nomad, showing better cleans or better grit. :rolleyes:


I have a feeling you waste more time on HC than you do actually playing.

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I heard some clips of a Vox AD30 and you wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between it and a Chieftan in a recording. I'm sure I could in a live setting.


Back pedaling about the HRDeville?


That's what my HR Deville sounded like in person. :idea:


You still haven't posted a clip of your Nomad. Too busy scanning the internet for posts about the Hot Rod amps?

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Back pedaling about the HRDeville?

That's what my HR Deville sounded like in person.

You still haven't posted a clip of your Nomad. Too busy scanning the internet for posts about the Hot Rod amps?

Feel free to send me some recording equipment and I'll be happy to throw some sh*t against the wall. Why do you think I am backpedaling. What lines are you reading between to come to that incorrect conclusion? As I've said time and time again, I'll defend your right to like yours.

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I find the B-52 alot more versatile then the HRD. The drive channel on the HRD is just about useless. It's very buzzy and quite frankly, sounds like a dying cat being thrown on an electric fence.


The B-52 has a solid clean channel and the crunch is very usable. It can go from a mild crunch to recto-ville in a heartbeat. If that's what you're looking for, there you go.


Personally though, if you want something versatile, look for a Peavey ultra. They run around 400 bucks, 3 channels, good clean, good crunch, good ultra channel. Very usable. They sound even better through a good cab or with upgraded speakers.

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Feel free to send me some recording equipment and I'll be happy to throw some sh*t against the wall. Why do you think I am backpedaling. What lines are you reading between to come to that incorrect conclusion? As I've said time and time again, I'll defend your right to like yours.



Saying it sounds awful in person, but good in clips. I'm telling you that my Deville sounded identical to that in person.


You on the other hand have no clips of your "HR Deville killer", so I'll stick with my original assessment of you have no idea how to dial in an amp or you don't really care for the tones from a Fender amp. Either way, they're real Fenders in every meaning of the term.


To those bagging on the the fact it's marketed as a high gain amp, even though the cleans are great. Take it as a 1 channel Fender tube amp. Tube screamers weren't meant for boost pedals when they first came out, but people still use them that way. They were originally meant to make a SS amp sound like a tube amp. Who does that?


As long as gear sounds good, who cares how it was marketed?

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two completely different animals...I liked the AT-100..for the price it rocked and had a great master volume...and I actually dug the clean channel alot...thing is, quality's not the best and I noticed when really cranked, it didn't sound better as a tube amp should...I guess that amp is more of a pre amp gain type of amp than being dependent on how much you're running the power tubes....but still a good sounding amp especially for the price

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I tried both of these and I'd stay the hell away from the HRD unless you've got an amazing OD pedel. The Cleans are great but the OD is worthless. The B-52 isn't bad for the size and money. It's alot better than the PV ValveKing 212 and can get a classic rock and metal distortion. Only prob I saw is that it's not built to tough.

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