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as long as you dont have a {censored}ty history with dames he should be joyous yuor banging his sis



I don't care who is {censored}ing my little sister... she's got a better head on her shoulders than I ever did at her age.... plus, she's kind of a bitch... I normally feel bad for the poor sap stuck with her!@

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Under NO circumstances when meeting a gals new friends should you discuss music and/or that you're a musician at first meeting. I made that mistake many years ago when her friends were talking about how awesome the White Stripes were and how they were playing music no one had ever heard before. I bust out laughing and they asked me what was ffuuny and I told them lots of people have heard music like the White Stripes before... there is {censored}e every where/.

I did not wi8n points with anyone that day,,,, :o

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I don't care who is {censored}ing my little sister... she's got a better head on her shoulders than I ever did at her age.... plus, she's kind of a bitch... I normally feel bad for the poor sap stuck with her!@



see exactly. some of my boys have younger sisters that would pick better dudes than her brother could. not only that it's easier to find your friend to eff him up if he effs over your sister.

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this thread rocks, i read every single one of them. i like the one about your buddy hooking up with a hot chick and it's your legal duty to hook up with her ugly friend. i did that once for my buddy but the only problem was the chick kept on hounding me for the next month.

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^^^that is not a law. if anythign it is your own personal duty to trya nd snake the broad from him. and if accomplished you must pass the ugly off to him. on top of that if you both get to kncok the boots it is imperitive that you attempt to pull a switcheroo.

but aside from that. you nor your buddy should ever attempt broads unless you or your buddy cant get a good lookign friend.

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Under NO circumstances when meeting a gals new friends should you discuss music and/or that you're a musician at first meeting. I made that mistake many years ago when her friends were talking about how awesome the White Stripes were and how they were playing music no one had ever heard before. I bust out laughing and they asked me what was ffuuny and I told them lots of people have heard music like the White Stripes before... there is {censored}e every where/.

I did not wi8n points with anyone that day,,,,

hahahah {censored}in white stripes

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