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If you ABSOLUTELY had to pick?


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What are you going to be using it for?

I enjoy a little gaming, so anything other than windows is unacceptable on a desktop PC. I'd much rather use XP than vista however.

For non-gaming purposes I'd probably go with Linux...

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It depends on the applications you would like to use but if I had the choose the fact that you don't have viruses and therefore there is no need to run all these anti-virus/malware stuff is a huge advantage for me, they really slow the computer down, even my quadcore Xeon. If you decide to give it a try, I suggest Fedora Core 7 =)


Interesting applications include ardour among others...

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It depends on the applications you would like to use but if I had the choose the fact that you don't have viruses and therefore there is no need to run all these anti-virus/malware stuff is a huge advantage for me, they really slow the computer down, even my quadcore Xeon. If you decide to give it a try, I suggest Fedora Core 7 =)

Interesting applications include
among others...



Meh, I have run XP for years with no anti-virus software. No problems yet. I don't know wtf people do to their computers. My family's old computer had Norton on it, which made it run like absolute crap, and it still ended up getting all sorts of adware and even a few actual viruses, even when it would detect the stuff later on. I was always having to fix it.


The main reasons I can think of are that I don't use P2P software to download stuff, as the programs themselves are often adware gateways, and the downloads are riddled with virii. I don't go near fishy sites, such as those you'd undoubtedly encounter hopping from porn site to porn site. And I don't install random things that I don't really need, especially free programs, which tend to automatically have some option checked off to install some adware crap that people often don't pay attention to.

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