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Online BS degrees


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I was 35 married and had two kids
Don't get me wrong I'm not putting you down. I just feel part of my education was being around the professors and other students. I learned a lot from the chick that sit beside me


My wife is not working so who will pay the bills?


I cannot work a 60 hour week and go to Uni I dont get home until 20.30??


I await your comments :thu:


By the way a lot of this course material comes from Oxford uni.

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I see nothing wrong with it at all... As long as the curriculum is met and the university is accredited, what

is the problem with it?



That is my thought process as well. I just finished up my Associates. The second part was all online after I shifted gears. The online classes were a lot harder and more work then the ones where I went to class in a building. Just my $.02 worth.

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i just really dont dig classroom settings. i do much better on my own. plus, im 27 now and dont really relate well to college students.


I know heaps of university students that are well into their 30s, 40s, and even 60s and 70s. In every single subject I studied at university, for the whole 5 years, was an old man.


And they're just as cool to study and hang around with :cool: , as all the younger tykes.



Not all "college students" are 20 year old frivolous frat house conformist lunatics living off daddy's credit card. Although, those are the ones that I stay away from.

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I think that kids should get away from their folks, get {censored}ed up, have fun and learn the most valuable lesson in University.... Get your degree, but HAVE fun while doing it.


I don't see anything wrong with online, but If i had to choose between two people. One with an online degree and one without, I would pick the person that went to school.

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I have an MBA, I still don't see what the problem is

with NOT attending a brick and mortar institution...


Would people disagree with Oxford or quite a few

other FINE european institutions in giving out law

degrees for (3) years of study? (3) years of total

study that is... The US recognizes these degrees

and you can practice anywhere in the US and across

the world after passing the bar.

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Not to discourage you, but Online classes are VERY difficult if you aren't self-motivated. I learned the hard way.


I will agree with that! I did a two year associates in Industrial Electronics throught NRI institute in Washington DC. I will admit it was harder than college. Back then I had to do it all via mail. No computers young bucks ;) I did good but it was a challenge to make myself do it. Problem with all the work was ... Nobody thought much of my degree through NRI :(

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How do you guys feel about getting a BS degree online? I had to drive 40 miles everyday for years and now you can sit on your ass and drink beer and get a BS degree in less than 4 years


I am retiring from the military in two years and will be doing a civilian equivilent of my current job, making a lot of money. I'v talked with civilians that work alongside me and all of them say the same thing. Most companies could give a crap where you went to school as long as you have the degree.


And another thing that people don't realize. Most of the people doing interviews for jobs, haven't been with the company that long themselves.

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