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Fake British Accent

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I used to have a wicked {censored}ing one for a while when I was singing. Thing was, I sort of taught myself to sing listening to beatles records, and I guess the accent just sort of stuck to me. After a while, I rehabilitated myself to the point where I can sing like a proper American, but on occasion for stylistic effect, I still pull out the fake brit every once in a while.


Anybody else have any experiences with fake accents? Especially in the case of using it to get a desired sound or feel in your music.



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The trouble with using fake accents while writing songs is that accents are usually linked to the usage of certain expressions. I haven't seen any of your lyrics, so I might be wrong, but I'd bet that even while using a british accent, you're still not using a british way of describing things, making it sound... well... fake, I suppose.

Being portuguese and singing english songs, I got used to a few american, british and australian accents. When the time comes to actually put something to paper though, those typical expressions are lacking :(

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As a songwriter, I have found myself slipping into various "roles" on my demos, egregious English accent, horribly squeaky falsetto, twangin' Southern, pretentious Moody Blues, bad-ass Brooklyn, a goofy growl (my regular voice has no edge) depending on the song style and feel. Even though it usually sounds silly, I always think, "Yeah, but with a real singer of this type, it would sound GREAT!"

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Well... there is that sound that some of the newer American bands make that gets me a little miffed. It sounds like the punk Spinal Tap sometimes. Green Day, as much as I dig them at times, can really rub. So... you have to sound like Johhny Lydon to be punk? What about Iggy, Joey, and Jello?


It gets silly to me at times. How about Madonna... Puttin' On The Britz? Ick. Stick to your own accent and avoid being a weenie.

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Stick to your own accent and avoid being a weenie.



I'm mostly with you on this. I'll cop a little bit of an accent for certain cover songs - let's face it, stuff like "With A Little Help From My Friends" sounds goofy with a totally American tone, so I'll soften the R's and H's a little bit. But for original material, if you're trying to develop a distinctive sound, I think playing with accents is only going to be confusing to your listeners.

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