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Been here since 10am b/c I got drunk last night and called my wife a dumb Pollock

Tommy Horrible

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Sir, I feel your pain. I come from middle class backround, and am the eldest of three kids (ok, now grown up, if you can believe that). My sister, at about age 7, decides she loves horses, and that's her passion, and sells mom, who sells dad, on the fact that she needs a horse to show competitively. I try, in vain, to sell my folks on the fact that a computer would be infinitely more useful than a horse, and to all of us to boot. I instead get a bag of fail, and work and save hard for a computer all on my own. Years of horse {censored} ensues.

So after all this, I decide never, ever, to date anyone having anything remotely to do with horses. Do they sell trailers that horses could get in? Screw 'em!

Instead, I marry one. Worse yet, my wife AND my sister get along great, both of them are vet techs, and riders...are you getting a picture of the financial pain in the ass that this is???

Just a side note, I've been fixing my parents' computers for years now. An extra side order of irony, please! Anyway, pain felt, mojo sent, and all that

There are three kinds of people in this world. Horse lovers, people who don't care if horses exist (98% of the population), and the third, are people married to the first kind of people, who grow to resent them.

When I was little, I thought only rich people had horses. Turns out, poor dumb people have them too. On one hand, I want her to be happy. I never want to make her cry or upset and it kills me I can't give her everything she wants. On the other hand, do you (well, you do) realize how much it cost to take care of these 1200 lb sissies? Do we need 4? No, but for her they are pets, like a cat or a dog, and I cannot in good conscious ever ask her to pick one and get rid of the rest. It's just... UGH!! :facepalm:

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Dude.......my wife's brother is going through the same type of {censored} with his horse loving wife...wait......actually it's much worse.....she's {censored}ing her horse trainer....I stand corrected...

yikes, no it isn't THAT bad, she isn't wired that way, but.. well, ya know what, I've said too much already. Never mind. Pm me if you want.

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yikes, no it isn't THAT bad, she isn't wired that way, but.. well, ya know what, I've said too much already. Never mind. Pm me if you want.

I hear ya.........I usually don't spout personal {censored} like this out......just understanding your predicament a tad as I see it unfold IRL much worse....:confused:

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There are three kinds of people in this world. Horse lovers, people who don't care if horses exist (98% of the population), and the third, are people married to the first kind of people, who grow to resent them.

When I was little, I thought only rich people had horses. Turns out, poor dumb people have them too. On one hand, I want her to be happy. I never want to make her cry or upset and it kills me I can't give her everything she wants. On the other hand, do you (well,
do) realize how much it cost to take care of these 1200 lb sissies? Do we need 4? No, but for her they are pets, like a cat or a dog, and I cannot in good conscious ever ask her to pick one and get rid of the rest. It's just... UGH!!

You know, when I was little, I KNEW that only rich people should own horses, as my sister caught a lot of snobbery because my parents had to work hard for what they had and weren't upper level execs or something. That said, I'm only too familiar with the horse addiction and the havoc that it wreaks on a budget, and how little sense it all makes. We have two dogs, and I love them dearly, so I get the pet thing; however, horses are slightly less practical than dogs. If it takes a horse to really, genuinely make my wife happy and complete, than so be it, that's what she'll have. But damn if I'm not going to keep her informed of exactly who's tipping the scales which way...I'm lucky enough to have a wife who understands that :D

P.S. the collection, all before she came along:


so I don't have a whole lot of complaining to do as far as my guitars are concerned! My beer money has always been guitar money...

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This was actually addressed earlier. She had four drinks in five hours. She was legal, she also had just enough in her that we were primed for fight.



Where I'm from, "plastered" means you would be hard pressed to remember how you got home in the first place, let alone the conversations that transpired during the endeavor.


I stand by my original statement.

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Where I'm from, "plastered" means you would be hard pressed to remember how you got home in the first place, let alone the conversations that transpired during the endeavor.

I stand by my original statement.



Sorry, me saying plastered was misleading and innacurate in her case. For me very accurate.

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When I was little, I thought only rich people had horses. Turns out, poor dumb people have them too. On one hand, I want her to be happy. I never want to make her cry or upset and it kills me I can't give her everything she wants. On the other hand, do you (well,
do) realize how much it cost to take care of these 1200 lb sissies? Do we need 4? No, but for her they are pets, like a cat or a dog, and I cannot in good conscious ever ask her to pick one and get rid of the rest. It's just... UGH!!

4 horses? And she gives you {censored} about gear purchases? BTW can she pay for them if she does divorce you? Play that card and you may get an amp out of it.

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Sir, I feel your pain. I come from middle class backround, and am the eldest of three kids (ok, now grown up, if you can believe that). My sister, at about age 7, decides she loves horses, and that's her passion, and sells mom, who sells dad, on the fact that she needs a horse to show competitively. I try, in vain, to sell my folks on the fact that a computer would be infinitely more useful than a horse, and to all of us to boot. I instead get a bag of fail, and work and save hard for a computer all on my own. Years of horse {censored} ensues.

So after all this, I decide never, ever, to date anyone having anything remotely to do with horses. Do they sell trailers that horses could get in? Screw 'em!

Instead, I marry one. Worse yet, my wife AND my sister get along great, both of them are vet techs, and riders...are you getting a picture of the financial pain in the ass that this is???

Just a side note, I've been fixing my parents' computers for years now. An extra side order of irony, please! Anyway, pain felt, mojo sent, and all that

I'm sorry but, from having almost been there...
HOW could you let this happen?! :confused:

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You know, when I was little, I
that only rich people should own horses, as my sister caught a lot of snobbery because my parents had to work hard for what they had and weren't upper level execs or something. That said, I'm only too familiar with the horse addiction and the havoc that it wreaks on a budget, and how little sense it all makes. We have two dogs, and I love them dearly, so I get the pet thing; however, horses are slightly less practical than dogs. If it takes a horse to really, genuinely make my wife happy and complete, than so be it, that's what she'll have. But damn if I'm not going to keep her informed of exactly who's tipping the scales which way...I'm lucky enough to have a wife who understands that

P.S. the collection, all before she came along:


so I don't have a whole lot of complaining to do as far as my guitars are concerned! My beer money has always been guitar money...

I'm still wanting that Silo this year:cop:;)

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Tell your wide to quit being a gaping vagina. If I called my GF a stupid Pollock, she would start laughing hysterically and call me a name back. Then we would both laugh it off and that would be that. It's one thing to call your wife something like a "{censored}" or something else that is really offensive, but I don't see how you can take being called a "stupid pollock" seriously at all. Certainly not seriously enough to stay mad for a long time.

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You know, when I was little, I
that only rich people should own horses, as my sister caught a lot of snobbery because my parents had to work hard for what they had and weren't upper level execs or something. That said, I'm only too familiar with the horse addiction and the havoc that it wreaks on a budget, and how little sense it all makes. We have two dogs, and I love them dearly, so I get the pet thing; however, horses are slightly less practical than dogs. If it takes a horse to really, genuinely make my wife happy and complete, than so be it, that's what she'll have. But damn if I'm not going to keep her informed of exactly who's tipping the scales which way...I'm lucky enough to have a wife who understands that

P.S. the collection, all before she came along:


so I don't have a whole lot of complaining to do as far as my guitars are concerned! My beer money has always been guitar money...

Don't worry you will get to keep the one of your choice

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I'm sorry but, from having almost been there...

HOW could you let this happen?!

Because my wife finances all this from her paycheck, and pretty much all of her other spending habits are low-key; even her choice in horses is low-key if you can believe that. That and I love her to death, so what was I going to do...the horse thing is a small tradeoff, ya know. Or should I say, at least in her case, its a small tradeoff, I've met people in that business with their heads so far up their ass that they can't see daylight, and it carries through to all the other facets of their life. They're {censored}ing crazy and as an added bonus, out of touch with real life!

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I was hoping you would elaborate on my post on why it's such a horrible idea to call a woman names in the heat of an arguement. C'mon pg, give these poor guys some lady info they can use.

I got nothing. I get mad and say stuff I should not say also. I don't get into fights with my hubby when I drink though. I usually just play guitar and then fall asleep. :facepalm:

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Her family is super rich (most not be that dumb:facepalm:) and they don't know jack {censored} about cars. Like they will buy a car, never change the oil drive it till it explodes, discard it, and buy another one. They laugh at me for changing the oil every 3000 miles in my car:mad: My car is 2000 honda civic that has 100k miles on. In the cold weather were having right now in Ohio you need to let it warm up before you drive it or else the check engine light comes on and the engine stutters. Well we went the Cavs game last night and we got pretty plastered, me more so than her. So she wanted to drive home. I'm like cool whatever. But then she starts getting mad at me because she has to let the car warm up, So I'm like listen you stupid {censored}ing pollock you wanna get stuck in Cleveland when its 5 degrees?(which wasn't true, my car isn't in that bad of shape, it just runs better if you let it warm up) Wait 2 minutes and we will go. We both cussed each other out from there, I slept on the couch yada yada yada.

Because we are married there is always a background to the fight. I love her to death, and she is actually quite bright, but she lacks in common knowledge. She is very text book bright, but doesn't get things like if you cook oatmel in pan over a high flame and don't even attempt to stir it, your gonna burn the oatmeal on the bottom. Or things like Dave is the nickname for david. We had huge fight over that because she didn't believe me. Hence when I'm drunk and pissed I dropped a P bomb on her..



After reading that, yeah, she's dumb.


I don't get the book-smarts-but-can't-tie-shoes {censored}. Frustrates me to no end. Mostly because those are the people that usually call me dumb.

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A) Pollock:



B) {censored} horses.




I've dated horse girls (I don't learn lessons...1/2 of the girls I've had sex with have been BIG into horses), and I ended up marrying one. I made sure, however, to lay down the {censored}ing LAW ASAP when it came to the budget. I knew what would happen if I didn't, and I'll be DAMNED if I go down that road. I've heard of plenty of people who have gotten divorced over that {censored}, and I didn't rest until we had a plan.


My wife and I have it worked out to where 1/2 of her horse's board and all non-vet expenses go into a credit account towards gear. It took a few months of bargaining, but it's DEFINITELY worth it, because now we don't have any more discussions about it. She spends whatever she wants, and I get credit for it in gear. It also helps that she's the more financially responsible one, so I know that she won't spend it if we can't afford it.


With most horse girls, however, this is FAR from the case. BEWARE.

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A pollock is a fish. A "Polack" is a slur used on Polish people. Not a pollock or a pollack, polack.

True. Lets not forget the famous painter who's name may be tangled up in this confused mess. Maybe the OP should have splattered some random jizz on his wife in a fit of artistic frenzy.

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