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Why? Now I think I know.


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I write a lot of songs. I don't play out anymore and I'm not trying to sell them.


I write them and I record them...I post for folks to hear, I pass out a few CD's and then I write some more songs.


I do not believe that I am alone in this endeavor.


So....the question is....why?


I have posted a somewhat finished tune as an end to another thread that asked you all if the song was still appropriate after all these years. But, today I played it in my truck for a very special friend who reacted quite....emotionally.


It seems that the song reached her.


It struck me that I finally realize why.


I have listened to many offerings here, some good....some better, and the question still remains.

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Actually, I don't know why. I was asked a similar question during grad school by my thesis committee. I told them that rather than justify what I do, I'd rather do it.


They weren't happy with that answer. So I gave them the conquistador's answer: For God, for glory, or for gold.

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because ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

write because it's there.

ain't no mountain high enough.

Every man dies. Not everyman really writes.

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can write for your country.

Write or get off the pot.

Women give birth, writers give music.

Danny... I'm a veg....

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Well, the original "why" is an easy one to answer. My answer:


I was a boxer during my teenage years and I eventually decided to hang up the gloves. But between boxing, school and work, my time was pretty tied up. However, when I finally decided to drop that hobby there was a gap....something was missing in my life.


And....well....I was really obsessed with 90's grunge and alternative rock. The big problem was that there were no new up and coming bands that I liked (still not any). The emo scene was such a huge turnoff to me. So about 3 years ago I picked up a bass guitar, then 1 year later I picked up an electric guitar. My intentions were not to cover other peoples songs. My intentions were to write grunge-alternative-garage-rock music. Didn't think about becoming a rock star...didn't think about making money....just wanted to write stuff that I would enjoy listening to.



Now....the tougher question....why do I still do it?


I'm not even 100% sure about it. Lately, I feel like I'm figuring out how to express some of my feelings into a song, which I like. But there is still SOOO much more to learn...and that always bring me back to it.



Now I'm not going to lie. I think there might be some motivation to get heard. Coming on to this board I see people who seem to have it "together." They are able to make great finalized songs, a website for their music and info, CD's to give out to friends, family, and fans, play live shows/tour to decent sized crowds. I'm a little jealous when I see these people who just seem to have it together. Personally, I'm all over the place...I can't finish a song, I don't even have a Myspace page up...I got nothing.



Jeeezz...sorry for the long response.

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Most of us probably have a couple bucks tied up in instruments or sound gear -- but the bottom line is that for a hundred bucks (or less) you can buy a guitar that will just keep giving back to you the more you put into it. Keyboards and other instruments can be a bit more, but they're amazingly affordable, in historical terms.


How far will $100 go in golf? OR even bowling, for crying out loud.



Learning to play an instrument -- continuing to learn -- is an avocation that is not just affordable -- it delivers a great return on a sweat investment.


How many other 'hobbies' give back like learning and making music?

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Probably what planted the idea of golf in my head in this context. Heaven knows I've never seriously played. But I was recently shocked to find out what people pay to play some seemingly mundane courses.


Anyhow, I've often marveled at how much enjoyment I've derived from some really cheap guitars over the years. All without batteries. (Strings, yes. There's always something, I guess.)


But the more you play, over time, the more rewarding it seems. I guess other stuff can be like that, too. But, you know, it's just cool to make something out of nothing. Kinda.

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I do it because it's always a challenge, there's always the elusive great song waiting to be written. That, and I start to go a little insane if I don't.



This is half of why I do it. The other half is that finishing a song is like giving birth. Creating something from nothing really is something.

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