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Everything posted by rsadasiv

  1. This, but as an extension/further thought process for your thesis, whip this on him... The Roman Empire, created by the DOERS, was an EXCLUSIVE entity in that it's purpose was to conquer and consume. And it pretty much doesn't exist: Rome fell (or declined if you prefer). Some of the physical landmarks of the empire still exist, sure, but the actual Empire is no more... The collected thoughts of the Greeks, the THINKERS, were ultimately an INCLUSIVE entity, or at least an inviting thing, based on the premise of debate, etc. What that kind of open discourse led to...critical reasoning, logic, advanced math, the sciences, etc. Those are all things that not only endure, but expand and grow more so than any empire ever could. Peoples who were conquered by the Romans had significant legal rights within the Roman empire (the exact extent of these rights varied over time, but they were explictly INCLUDED in the political process almost from the beginning). To be a citizen of a Greek city-state, you pretty much had to be born there, otherwise you were explicitly EXCLUDED from the political process.
  2. I thought your answer was a great start, Lee. It was general but it was also true. Sat at a bar in west London with 2 old ladies from Wallsend. I mentioned that that was a weird name for a town and they said, well, that is where the wall ends. Me being the stupid American ask "what wall?". I was lectured on history and yes, it is where the wall built by the Romans ended. Constructions started in 122 AD and it is still there. Romans were doers. Construction of the Parthenon started in 447 BC and it is still there.
  3. The question is over-generalized bull{censored}, but.... How long does it have to be? What have you covered so far? A couple of useful (if reductive) dichotomies (along the lines of Lee's points above): Greek philosophy vs. Roman law. Plato's Republic discusses the general principles of a city-state. Justinian's Code puts those principles into practice. Greek art vs. Roman engineering. Columns in Greek times (Ionian, Corinthian) were objects of beauty, and were carved for specific aesthetic qualities. Roman waterworks and bridges where built with columns that, while still beautiful, had strict engineering and load bearing qualities.
  4. Get the POD. It's much easier and cheaper to dink around trying to find your sound on a POD than on a series of actual amps.
  5. The mix is very nice - guitars sound great and the harmonica fits well. The acoustic lead playing is good. I'm not so keen on the lyrics - maybe I would have enjoyed a terrible mix better. Ram Sadasiv http://www.myspace.com/DanceMusicForGrownups
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