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2009 Songwriting Resolutions?


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The New Year is just a week away!


Yesterday, I wrote an article over at Blogging Muses about songwriting resolutions.


Mine are:


Write 3-4 songs per month and record clean acoustic demos of each. (every month)


Record and print up an acoustic demo CD for shows. (1st quarter of 2009)


Schedule a Southeast USA Open Mic Tour to try out new songs and network. (Summer 2009)


Just curious - what are your songwriting resolutions for 2009?

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I need to finish all of my half-written songs.



I think I'll add that one to the list.


I know things don't get done without a plan but the whole 'finish this many songs in the first quarter' bit almost scares me a little only cause I know sometimes I get stuck on something that bugs me even in one song and would mess up my time line making for more songs, but less that I would be happy with.


I think I'll add writting 'something' musically everyday be it a riff, melody, whatever, just to stay in the groove. I was doing that a few years back and ideas came so much more quickly when I really needed them that I found it was a good habit to try and keep.

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Maybe a good idea.


I would like to also finish the TON of half done songs with some regularity. Would like to make more time to create audios of the songs. 3 Hours every 2 weeks is painfully slow for the creative process.


Reinterpret some of older songs with fresh ears, make them better.


Find a way to PLAY music, either with band or collaborator, several times a week. Neglecting playing for extended periods hurts my songwriting, I think.


Organize the files of songs, documentation of completed songs, and the "riff" and "lyrics" files. They are a horrible mess.

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1. Become a better lead guitarist.

Record solos over all of RedAnt's funk backing tracks in the GJ sticky.

Record 4 guitar showcase blues songs with backing tracks.

Take jazz guitar lessons.


2. Become a better bassist.

Work through the James Brown and Motown songbooks.

Practice songs and changes from the Real Book.


3. Develop golden ears.

Hear eq.

Hear compression.

Hear preamps.


4. Play live

Do YouTube, vom, irl open mics.

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"When I heard the learned astronomer,

When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me,

When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them,

When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,

How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick,

Till rising and gliding out I wandered off by myself,

In the mystical moist night air, and from time to time,

Look'd up in perfect silence at the stars."


I resolve to look at the stars more.

Happy 2009!



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I'm done with a group I was helping to mix, and jumping full tilt back into my stuff. I'm not cutting my hair until I have COMPLETED my next full song - end of January I hope! Not working with or for anybody else, EVER again. Life is too short :) 11 songs in the hopper, and 52 solid ideas on the table, it should be a FUN year!!!

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I'd like to write more frequently/regularly, instead of in spurts, so I'm toying with the whole get-up-early thing, but that's really easy for me to say while I'm on a two-week vacation. I'm also going to need a whole new batch of songs for this boy-girl duet group I'm starting, so I want to do that.

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