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SW forum age survey

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Just trying to get a feel for the ages of the contributors in the Songwriting forum. A lot of the people here seem to use 60's/70's songwriting giants for comparison and I was just wondering if that's an age related thing or just a general respect for the greats from prior generations. Thanks for your participation.

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Well, if you young whippersnapper's weren't so obsessed with classic rock, us old-timers probalby wouldn't feel like we have to dredge up our memories so often. It's much easier for me to remember what Andrew Bird or Mars Volta sound like than Billy Joel or Journey. (Of course, a factor there would be that I avoided the latter two like the plague -- back in what I laughingly like to call the day.)


I didn't know we were allowed to use contemporpary analogies.


This is so liberating...



:D :D :D

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I have to say that I'm so old that 38 looks pretty dang young to me.





And getting back to my smartazz answer above, actually, I realize that Andew Bird and Mars Volta have been around for quite a while, themselves... but they were the first names off the top of my head I could stick in there and have it be true. Now, Mars Volta are friends of friends so I've followed them from a distance from the time they were jamming in a loft in downtown Long Beach, but, though he's got, like, a jillion albums, Bird somehow escaped my attention until the last few months.


Sometimes I wonder how many other artists of the caliber of Bird I've been missing by ingnoring the music media. I mostly am delighted to avoid the press arm of The Big Cookie Cutter -- after spending much of my first 30 years or so reading music criticsm the way others read the sports page, I finally decided that most of them were TFOS con men. And since that's something I've aspired to my whole life but never achieved, the envy finally got to me. :D

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So far the forum is 50% old people, 50% people they want off their lawn.
Keep 'em comin'.

38 is old?? Nah, IMHO you're not even starting to mature into a well rounded (not in the physical sense, uhhhm, wait a sec, well, maybe in that sense too :lol:) human being until you're in your 30s.


Must be a whippersnapper wot started this poll :lol:

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38 is old?? Nah, IMHO you're not even
to mature into a well rounded
(not in the physical sense, uhhhm, wait a sec, well, maybe in that sense too
human being until you're in your 30s.

Must be a whippersnapper wot started this poll


Well... we must cut the whippersnappers some slack.


After all, today's green-behind-the-wet-ears whippersnappers are the crusty-and-cantakerous-old-coots of tomorrow.


And -- by that measure -- they are a precious resource which must be nurtured.



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am delighted to avoid the press arm of The Big Cookie Cutter -- after spending much of my first 30 years or so reading music criticsm the way others read the sports page, I finally decided that most of them were TFOS con men.



Sorry, but what's TFOS?

Best I can find on Google is Teenagers From Outer Space, which seems appropriate, but something tells me that's not it.

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i think 20 definitely contends with one of those young whippersnappers descriptions. I can't wait to be old and cantankerous though.:thu:

so does youth hinder or help the creation of art? I guess it depends on whether you are rusty or a ball of flame. perhaps an old wine like patty griffin. look at the legs on her... ahem (bad wine joke)

i just always think of how Bob Dylan says he can't write a song anymore, and then a year later comes out with a flippin' new album. He just wants to contradict himself.

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38 is old?? Nah, IMHO you're not even
to mature into a well rounded
(not in the physical sense, uhhhm, wait a sec, well, maybe in that sense too
human being until you're in your 30s.

Must be a whippersnapper wot started this poll



I just meant in the context of the music industry. I agree with you in general but it's probably a lot more difficult to start out in your 30's than in your late teens/twenties. It takes a lot of time to build a reputation and get to the point where people seek you out to hear you rather than you promoting your own albums/events.


And you are correct. I am certainly a youngin'. Although my knees are {censored}ed like I'm 60

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Why have I trapped myself in 27dom 4 days ealry? WHY!??




Ive been inspired




here is a chorus for 26ish people trapped too early in 27dom


dispair gasp and more dispair

Maybe I'm emo without the swoop in my hair

skinny jeans - I dont think it's gonna happen

Too old to give a {censored} about the latest fashion

I'll keep doing things the same I always have

and in 30 years time probably be found by the same fad

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38 is old?? Nah, IMHO you're not even
to mature into a well rounded
(not in the physical sense, uhhhm, wait a sec, well, maybe in that sense too
human being until you're in your 30s.


This. (I'm 36)

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