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Why do people get so jealous and defensive when someone younger has nice gear?

Say Ocean

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I dont really get jealous of anyone on HCAF's gear, mainly because its not the stuff I would use, even the guys with epic collections like Zao and Deathmonkey, they got some awesome stuff but im not into Metal and stuff so a lot of it doesnt appeal to me.


The only reason I hang here is cos this forum has the best sense of humor, we do it for teh lulz :o equipment-wise.... I belong at TGP, eeeeek.

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If you bought your gear yourself and worked your ass off for the money, then you deserve it. If Mom and Dad buy it all, I don't think you deserve it. If my Mom and Dad bought me all my gear, I'd feel uncomfortable, knowing all this nice stuff isn't even mine... It just wouldn't sit right with me.

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It's not a matter of being good or bad at guitar. Or having the gear given to you, or purchased.

Being humble goes a long, long way.


I could care less if some 15 year-old kid is playing a '59 Les Paul, through a Two Rock stack. The second he opens his mouth and starts to brag about it, he can forcefully insert all of that gear into his anus.

Bragging is {censored}ty, it works with just about everything.

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Being humble goes a long, long way.

I could care less if some 15 year-old kid is playing a '59 Les Paul, through a Two Rock stack. The second he opens his mouth and starts to brag about it, he can forcefully insert all of that gear into his anus.

Bragging is {censored}ty, it works with just about everything.





I had {censored} gear up until a little before I joined this forum.

Plenty of the kids here have better stuff than I do now.

{censored}, thinking about it the only pieces of gear I didn't buy myself were a distortion pedal my HS bandmates bought me for a birthday, and the guitar stand the GF got me for vday.


Anyway its not even about bragging, its about someone having an attitude or acting a certain way due to such things.


Growing up poor as dirt, having very little more than the bare necessities, and having those who had lots rubbing it in your face growing up, it really puts a lot of resentment in you.


I've gotten over that {censored} for the most part, but I still get {censored}ing pissed off when someone has something they didn't earn, and feel and act as though it gives them status.

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I never really get {censored} for it, but I see others get {censored} for it, and does it really matter
would anyone turn nice gear down if they had a job or nice loaded parents when they were a teen?

serious? I hardly notice other people's gear.

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Jealousy... hate yougner ones having better {censored} than we older, supposedly more succesful ones do. Just the fact that we have worked hard to get what we have and some yougnun is either spoonfed a bogner/hiwatt, or gets the opportunity to work and actually spend money on a bogner/hiwatt... contrasting with our parents who coulnt afford our college/university and we had to save up for it blah blah so we couldnt afford hiwatt/bogner.


Then comes 15 year old named "I have plenty of time to sit on my ass and learn wicked licks", and says "hey, I have a bogner/hiwatt and I can play erruption while watching pokemon and playing WOW at the same time, but its boring and I want to sell the bogner/hiwatt because it doesnt have enough bruztalzzz and I want to be cooler"...


Then come in the people going; "FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuu" then :mad: ...



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last response to one on my youtube vids..lol


dude,you have all that gear and you still suck. are you drunk or somthing,I know that when I get really drunk my {censored} starts to suck too



I get a lot of the "you have too much good gear for your playing ability". then when i check out their youtube vids its crap playing through crap gear so I just blow it off.

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the only time I felt slightly jealous, although I wouldn't really call it on his gear per say but we played this show the other day. the band before us were already soundchecking (we got there a bit late) and they can only have been like 17, with all their parents watching them, fine... but the GEAR my GOD!


The guitarist had 3 PRS', one was a 513 but the other a CE22 and a Swamp Ash special.


TWO TRIPLE RECS and Two Mesa straight Cabs, ISP Pro Rack G, TC G Major and Ground control {censored}...



and they plain sucked.

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It only annoys me if the kid is spoiled rotten and doesn't appreciate what he/she has.


I'd have flipped if my parents bought me any guitar gear when I was a kid. My mom assumed that since violin and clarinet lessons didn't stick that guitar would be the same. She didn't want to waste money on something she thought I'd quit in a year. 15 years later....

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This past Xmas when I worked at a local mom n pop guitar store, some family came in and bought their 10 year old an Orange Rockerverb 100 and Orange 4x12.


At first I was:facepalm:, but then I realized that soon enough his parents would be :facepalm:


They had no idea what they had gotten him (or how {censored}ing loud it could get), just that that was what he wanted.


I really dont mind if younger kids have cool gear at all, I know I wish I had had better stuff when I was starting out. Plus some of the kids these days can really rip it up and deserve awesome gear imo

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The only guitar my parents bought me was a cheap $89 Epi acoustic.


My bro was on teh HS football team and they rolled and egged our house! My parents were pissed off and I scrubbed that {censored} for 4 days. Some would say $89 in '77 was cheap labor for that job! My friends did. Still have the POS guitar

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This past Xmas when I worked at a local mom n pop guitar store, some family came in and bought their 10 year old an Orange Rockerverb 100 and Orange 4x12.

At first I was:facepalm:, but then I realized that soon enough his parents would be

They had no idea what they had gotten him (or how {censored}ing loud it could get), just that that was what he wanted.

I really dont mind if younger kids have cool gear at all, I know I wish I had had better stuff when I was starting out. Plus some of the kids these days can really rip it up and deserve awesome gear imo


Holy {censored}. I bet both of them are thinking "fmylife" right now.

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This past Xmas when I worked at a local mom n pop guitar store, some family came in and bought their 10 year old an Orange Rockerverb 100 and Orange 4x12.

At first I was:facepalm:, but then I realized that soon enough his parents would be

They had no idea what they had gotten him (or how {censored}ing loud it could get), just that that was what he wanted.

I really dont mind if younger kids have cool gear at all, I know I wish I had had better stuff when I was starting out. Plus some of the kids these days can really rip it up and deserve awesome gear imo


Totally... sometimes I think i got {censored}ty gear just to make me play harder to keep up. But in a way, it would have enabled me to start a more solid band in retrospect. WE had the lacking gear syndrom, but great potential for talent and we all had great stage presence. That extra little push with better gear would probably have pushed our band toward the "success" side of things..



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i don't mind seeing young kids with great gear, just young kids abusing great gear cuz they didn't have t pay for it.


the last band i was in the other guitar player busted his ass and saved every penny to buy his gear, a 6505 halfstack and a rr24. i was happy to see him get the stuff he worked so hard for.

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yep! fixed it up to look like a chopper

baseball cards in the spokes! had it goin on


plus your ass didnt hurt from riding on it. all the expensive bikes got the up your ass seats that damn near have you in tears a block from your house...unless your into that kind of thing.

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plus your ass didnt hurt from riding on it. all the expensive bikes got the up your ass seats that damn near have you in tears a block from your house...unless your into that kind of thing.


10 speeds were a big change for me! :eek:


They can laugh all they want, but you could EASY RIDE a chopper style banana seat for the entire day without a mark or sore :lol:


better bikes for the Evil Kneivel wannabes

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