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WOT: Drugs-


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Can you believe how many people are addicted to prescription drugs in this country? (world really).

After the whole Jackson incident, things are going to change folks.

Getting painkillers and benzos prescribed is going to become a nightmare/huge hassle.

I use meds with common sense and despise when one idiot Doctor (or patient) blows it for the rest of us.

Stupid people are destroying the world. :(

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mmm, i doubt MJ's death will affect the medical community, man. sure he was a big celeb, but not big enough to make new legislation and guidelines go into effect. i don't see that happening.



I talked to my dr. about it yesterday. They will absolutely set up some new system that tracks prescriptions of narcotics better. If you think this will have no effect, you're fooling yourself. This is going to change a LOT. You'll see.

I still call total bull{censored} on that news report that MJ took 40 Xanax's a night or whatever. Even at a stupid high tolerence that amount would STILL kill you.

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When I was younger/in high school it didn't matter what people wanted to limit/make hard to get. At the end of the day, Tijuana was 30 minutes away.



Firecrackers, knives, drugs, etc. All easily accessible.



Now, for you wang touchers elsewhere, your results will vary.

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When I was younger/in high school it didn't matter what people wanted to limit/make hard to get. At the end of the day, Tijuana was 30 minutes away.

Firecrackers, knives, drugs, etc. All easily accessible.

Now, for you wang touchers elsewhere, your results will vary.



I actually meant, within the LEGAL realm here boss. Of course you can still find pills in Mexico. But within the US they are going to crack DOWN on this {censored}. MJ's scripts were insanely out of control. Worse than I've ever heard or seen I think. I can't for the life of me understand how he functioned at all.

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Can you believe how many people are addicted to prescription drugs in this country? (world really).

After the whole Jackson incident, things are going to change folks.

Getting painkillers and benzos prescribed is going to become a nightmare/huge hassle.

I use meds with common sense and despise when one idiot Doctor (or patient) blows it for the rest of us.

Stupid people are destroying the world.

The reason people like drugs is simple...they work. :lol:

But yeah, lots of double standards contrasting legal/illegal drugs imo. :facepalm::idea:

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I no longer talk to my dad because of his addiction to pills. He lost everything. Retired a few years ago from allstate, and within 18 months he'd broken out of rehab twice and was completely homeless.


It's a shame. I know the crooked doctor who supplied him the oxycotin, etc... If I ever see him I may end up going to jail. {censored}ing asshole. The {censored}ty part? My mom is his sons teacher at BD school.

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I talked to my dr. about it yesterday. They will absolutely set up some new system that tracks prescriptions of narcotics better. If you think this will have no effect, you're fooling yourself. This is going to change a LOT. You'll see.

I still call total bull{censored} on that news report that MJ took 40 Xanax's a night or whatever. Even at a stupid high tolerence that amount would STILL kill you.



you obviusly have no {censored}ING clue what you are talking about when it comes to drugs...

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you obviusly have no {censored}ING clue what you are talking about when it comes to drugs...

Whatever dude. :rolleyes: (They were 2mg Xanax's, you're telling me 40 a night won't kill you?)

Post something productive then or get the {censored} out!

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Whatever dude.
(They were 2mg Xanax's, you're telling me 40 a night won't kill you?)

Post something productive then or get the {censored} out!

go {censored} yourself cocksucker....i'll post something productive.....you post some outlandish opinion completely based on {censored} you have heard or read on the internet.....go find somebody hooked to benzos (i am talking actually hooked, not who take a few to many a day) and you will find you statement is completely false. I will not argue anymore about this but I will jsut let you know i have an intimate understanding of drugs and addiction so take your mainstream views about drugs and kindly remove your head from your ass

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go {censored} yourself cocksucker....i'll post something productive.....you post some outlandish opinion completely based on {censored} you have heard or read on the internet.....go find somebody hooked to benzos (i am talking actually hooked, not who take a few to many a day) and you will find you statement is completely false. I will not argue anymore about this but I will jsut let you know i have an intimate understanding of drugs and addiction so take your mainstream views about drugs and kindly remove your head from your ass

Allrighty then. I stand corrected by a psychopath and a benzo addict. I have most surely been pwnd.
So Mr. I know all about benzos, what's the limit before one stops breathing from Xanax's if not 40? Is it 50? 60? 2,120??? How many do YOU take a night and still wake up the next morning? :confused:
C'mon man, lets hear some limits. Post some facts. Clue us in. I need my misinformation corrected.

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Xanax more so than most drugs cannot be measured like that. You cannot just say X amount will kill you. 10mg may kill a non-user while 100mg may not kill a seasoned veteran. I myself am not huge fan of Benzos but have known plenty of poeple who have done them and to say that "this many" will kill you is simple uneducation on the subject. and before you say "well I do not want to be educated on that kind of stuff" I do not blame you and I am not proud of some of the things I have down but it is people like you and millions of other people who believed every last detail from their DARE class or what their school textbook told them and think they actually know something.

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Xanax more so than most drugs cannot be measured like that. You cannot just say X amount will kill you. 10mg may kill a non-user while 100mg may not kill a seasoned veteran. I myself am not huge fan of Benzos but have known plenty of poeple who have done them and to say that "this many" will kill you is simple uneducation on the subject. and before you say "well I do not want to be educated on that kind of stuff" I do not blame you and I am not proud of some of the things I have down but it is people like you and millions of other people who believed every last detail from their DARE class or what their school textbook told them and think they actually know something.

I stand by my original statement that sent you flipping off into outer space. :o


P.S. Anger management classes FTW.

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MRAAJR must have been a junkie at some point

Junkie opinion = dick

seriously, no one cares that you're a recovering addict. 40 {censored}ing pills a day is beyond absurd. Get back to your clinic, before

we really open up on you

Exactly. My whole point was, I doubt I believe the news reports that MJ actually took that many pills a night. It would have killed everyone except the allmighty MRAAJR.
The media is out of control with this guys life and death and they are saying some far out things now. :freak:

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MRAAJR must have been a junkie at some point

Junkie opinion = dick

seriously, no one cares that you're a recovering addict 40 {censored}ing pills a day is beyond absurd. Get back to your clinic,

we really open up on you

Hey we got a rhodes scholar among us folks. Sorry for coming off as dick. But the mainstream opinion about drugs is absurd. And when did I ever ask anyone to care about me and my {censored}. If I wanted sympathy I would go to a meeting. And whenever you feel it neccesary I'm here :thu:

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The FDA is already considering a ban on combination painkillers like Percocet and Vicodin that contain acetaminophen.




Also, the acute LD50 of alprazolam in rats is 331 to 2171 mg/kg. Prety hard to OD on by itself apparently. But when mixed with alcohol or opiates, the rate of overdose skyrockets.

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MRAAJR must have been a junkie at some point

Junkie opinion = dick

seriously, no one cares that you're a recovering addict. 40 {censored}ing pills a day is beyond absurd. Get back to your clinic, before

we really open up on you


I took 17 xanax just to post this!:mad:

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The FDA is already considering a ban on combination painkillers like Percocet and Vicodin that contain acetaminophen.

Also, the acute LD50 of alprazolam in rats is 331 to 2171 mg/kg. Prety hard to OD on by itself apparently. But when mixed with alcohol or opiates, the rate of overdose skyrockets.



thank you

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