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WOT: Drugs-


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Okay...lets clear the air on some stuff here.

2mg Xanax pills are multi-scored so that they can easily be broken apart. Therfore, if MJ had broken them up and the bodyguard didn't know...and he saw MJ downing 40 "pills" a night, then that would only work out to about 0.5mg * 40 = 20mg of Xanax a night.

If not, he is still in at around 80mg a night. That being said, the L.D. 50 of Xanax in rats is rated at 331-2171 mg/kg. Meaning, that Jacko would have to ingest a {censored}LOAD more Xanax that 40 pills a night to actually kill himself...let alone even harm himself.

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Im a pharmacist and I have the joy of dealing with drug seekers every day. They will lie, steal, cheat and do whatever they need to do for drugs. There is no fixing these people. Look at our prison system and why they are overcrowded..... drugs.


The FDA panel on tylenol came out before MJ's death. Tylenol has a toxic metabolite that has been identified. It's actually very interesting but very scary as well since tylenol is the drug of choice for osteoarthritis.


Tylenol and caffeine are often used in combination with narcotics to potentiate their effects. Problem is when patients become tolerant to a pain med and the dose keeps escalating the patient will end up getting way too much tylenol. The active ingredient in percocet is oxycodone which is available without tylenol. Unfortunately, Ethex labs that produced much of the oxycodone tablets was put out of business bt the FDA in January for bad manufacturing practices.


Hydrocodone is not available without tylenol and I really don't know why. but someone will need to make a version of hydrocodone and oxycodone will need to have production bolstered before the FDA does anything.


Remember that the FDA does not have to enact the recommendations of the panel even though they often do.



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thats fine



No, actually it's not. Have you thought about seeking professional help for your "issues", be it drugs or personality/social disorder(s)? It's people like you that end up hurting animals, and then later people. Read your posts in this one thread alone. There are better ways to make your point(s) than to come across like a complete dickhead. If drugs did that to you, I'm truely sorry.

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Im a pharmacist and I have the joy of dealing with drug seekers every day. They will lie, steal, cheat and do whatever they need to do for drugs. There is no fixing these people. Look at our prison system and why they are overcrowded..... drugs.

The FDA panel on tylenol came out before MJ's death. Tylenol has a toxic metabolite that has been identified. It's actually very interesting but very scary as well since tylenol is the drug of choice for osteoarthritis.

Tylenol and caffeine are often used in combination with narcotics to potentiate their effects. Problem is when patients become tolerant to a pain med and the dose keeps escalating the patient will end up getting way too much tylenol. The active ingredient in percocet is oxycodone which is available without tylenol. Unfortunately, Ethex labs that produced much of the oxycodone tablets was put out of business bt the FDA in January for bad manufacturing practices.

Hydrocodone is not available without tylenol and I really don't know why. but someone will need to make a version of hydrocodone and oxycodone will need to have production bolstered before the FDA does anything.

Remember that the FDA does not have to enact the recommendations of the panel even though they often do.




Very interesting post indeed. I can only imagine the personalities you deal with seeking drugs on a daily basis. It's a damn shame these people end up in jail when treatment should be tried FIRST. (I don't believe in treatment forever, but for first time offenders I do). Most people want help with their addiction I would think. Those who don't should be institutionalized out of society and given their drug of choice in a safe and controlled environment.

Addiction is truely a disease. I hope someday there is a cure for it. It's a sad vicious circle that usually winds up with the addict imprisoned or dead and families destroyed. Where do we even start to fix this? It seems it can only get worse. What do you think is a solution?

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Im a pharmacist and I have the joy of dealing with drug seekers every day. They will lie, steal, cheat and do whatever they need to do for drugs. There is no fixing these people. Look at our prison system and why they are overcrowded..... drugs.

The FDA panel on tylenol came out before MJ's death. Tylenol has a toxic metabolite that has been identified. It's actually very interesting but very scary as well since tylenol is the drug of choice for osteoarthritis.

Tylenol and caffeine are often used in combination with narcotics to potentiate their effects. Problem is when patients become tolerant to a pain med and the dose keeps escalating the patient will end up getting way too much tylenol. The active ingredient in percocet is oxycodone which is available without tylenol. Unfortunately, Ethex labs that produced much of the oxycodone tablets was put out of business bt the FDA in January for bad manufacturing practices.

Hydrocodone is not available without tylenol and I really don't know why. but someone will need to make a version of hydrocodone and oxycodone will need to have production bolstered before the FDA does anything.

Remember that the FDA does not have to enact the recommendations of the panel even though they often do.


Combining oxycontin with acetaminophen is one of the biggest fails that pharmicuticals has had to offer imo. :facepalm::lol:

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No, actually it's not. Have you thought about seeking professional help for your "issues", be it drugs or personality/social disorder(s)? It's people like you that end up hurting animals, and then later people. Read your posts in this one thread alone. There are better ways to make your point(s) than to come across like a complete dickhead. If drugs did that to you, I'm truely sorry.




its the INTERWEBZ bro. If i choose to be a douche bag that is up to me. It is up to you to whether to partake in my douche baggery or not. You have obviously chosen to partake so how does that make your mindless ranting any better than the things i said earlier. And if youc an determine someone's "issues" from an interweb post you have a gift my friend

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Im a pharmacist and I have the joy of dealing with drug seekers every day. They will lie, steal, cheat and do whatever they need to do for drugs.
There is no fixing these people. Look at our prison system and why they are overcrowded..... drugs.

The FDA panel on tylenol came out before MJ's death. Tylenol has a toxic metabolite that has been identified. It's actually very interesting but very scary as well since tylenol is the drug of choice for osteoarthritis.

Tylenol and caffeine are often used in combination with narcotics to potentiate their effects. Problem is when patients become tolerant to a pain med and the dose keeps escalating the patient will end up getting way too much tylenol. The active ingredient in percocet is oxycodone which is available without tylenol. Unfortunately, Ethex labs that produced much of the oxycodone tablets was put out of business bt the FDA in January for bad manufacturing practices.

Hydrocodone is not available without tylenol and I really don't know why. but someone will need to make a version of hydrocodone and oxycodone will need to have production bolstered before the FDA does anything.

Remember that the FDA does not have to enact the recommendations of the panel even though they often do.




This statement is just retarded. This statement screams "addicts never get better!" What about the ones who put it down after it {censored}ed their life up to never touch it again? Oh yea...they do not exist they are all in prison

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Can you believe how many people are addicted to prescription drugs in this country? (world really).

After the whole Jackson incident, things are going to change folks.

Getting painkillers and benzos prescribed is going to become a nightmare/huge hassle.

I use meds with common sense and despise when one idiot Doctor (or patient) blows it for the rest of us.

Stupid people are destroying the world.

I am not sure it is that easy... or that simple. The Pharmaceutical Companies are some of the biggest money-makers--profit-wise--in Corporate America at present, and with the powerful lobby they have it would be a hell of a fight to get any legislation through Congress bent on limiting the quantities of drugs handed out at present.

It's kind of ironic, isn't it, that something intended to help people ends up generating a whole new series of problem that did not previously exist. :lol:

The questions that is not asked often enough, and is perhaps the most important one to be asking is: Why do we want to alter our consciousness so much, and with such frequency?

What is it about our world---our culture---that so many of us seek these chemical outlets as a means of escape?

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I am not sure it is that easy... or that simple. The Pharmaceutical Companies are some of the biggest money-makers--profit-wise--in Corporate America at present, and with the powerful lobby they have it would be a hell of a fight to get any legislation through Congress bent on limiting the quantities of drugs handed out at present.

It's kind of ironic, isn't it, that something intended to help people ends up generating a whole new series of problem that did not previously exist.

The questions that is not asked often enough, and is perhaps the most important one to be asking is:
Why do we want to alter our consciousness so much, and with such frequency?

What is it about our world---our culture---that so many of us seek these chemical outlets as a means of escape

I would say it goes alot deeper than just societal reasons. There is the geneitc aspect of it too. I am not saying society does not play a big role but there are addicts now and no matter what ANYONE does there will be addicts tommorow

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I don't think addicts are stupid people. They are hard wired that way.

Someone who has back surgery and becomes dependent on an opiate isn't a stupid person. Everyone always says, "They ruin it for all of us!"

Most of the addicts didn't start taking it to get high. They took it because they had to and became dependent on it.

I try not to talk {censored} about things that I have no idea what it's like. Hell I don't even drink but I have no idea what it's like to be an alcoholic.

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Changes are already being made here in N.J. I have a back so torn up I can hardly get out of bed.I also have two surgically repaired knees and severe arthiritis that has required three surgeries to remove bone spurs.My pain management Dr. had to cut me loose after the state came bearing down on all pain management physicians.He had to cut me loose because, get this, I wasn't coming to him every month.That's right.I only went to him when I couldn't bear the pain any longer.I saw him probably three months out of the year.I didn't want to become addicted to the pills.The state told him "if he's not coming to you regularly then he must not be in that much pain".

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IMO- the big problem with MJ was-he had a personal Dr. who (I believe) lived with him and traveled with him. When a Dr. is getting paid like that I am sure saying the word NO when it comes to prescription meds is basically unheard of.

Unfortunately not all Dr.'s have a patients best interest in mind when it comes to $

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