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I have two new originals


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The top one, "Take my love" was recorded a few years ago, I have better skills and tools now, but I don't have the original source material? So I'm going to redo it, and would appreciate input on the song/production, etc...


The 2nd is a colab called Left Undone? A friend wrote it, I'm doing the acoustic guitar, mandolin, cello, and dobro, and some vocals (my vocal comes in 2nd) I really like this song and would value any feedback anyone has on the song, production, recording, etc.


Unfortunately, I lost the original files for both in a system crash :-( I'm backed up now? And I may be preparing to re-record the 1st from scratch. Thanks for your comments.




(and the top two under those are my Christmas offerings for 2010 :-) They came out pretty good IMO... What child, and Emanuel w/a verse in Latin?)

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I've been liking the second one.........


........but after another listen I think it might be cool to redo 'Take My Love' and see where it takes you. Maybe change up the feel of the tune with some electric guitar work and a slightly different rhythm that lets the song move in other directions.

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Quality stuff as always Robby. Take My Love - Everything was super AFA melody/sound but I was kinda waiting for a change up somewhere.



+1. What's there has a nice "Sweetheart of the Rodeo" era Byrds sound to it, but that stuttering rhythm guitar phrase and the I-II-III bass riff into the chorus aren't quite enough to carry a whole song.

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"Left Undone" has a chillingly stark intro that perfectly ties to the lyric. But I really like when it opens up with the second verse, as the new instruments come in they warm and expand the sound... but without causing us to forget the sad set up. The lifted vocals give us a new harmonic perspective, but don't remove the veil of resigned yearning and regret. When the song closes on the lower register vocal treatment, it pulls back around to reconnect with the intro.


I really think the restraint works extremely well. What could have easily -- justifiably in many ways -- headed over the top, instead keeps just the right touch. There's a lot going on in the middle -- but it never goes mega -- as a typical 'Hollywood' treatment would inevitably take it -- and I think it's just that much more chillingly effective for holding back. If it had come to a big climax, we'd be able to go, Wow! That was really something. And move on. This way, the dark, not quite filled in sound sticks with you, shades the silence that follows the song.


Good stuff, Robby. Good stuff.

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Listening as I type....

Double vocals (?) on Left Undone are good - give it a sort of chorus effect. Love the in-between instruments. Now the high vocals - very very nice...

More nice instruments - you can't go wrong when you deliver the goods musically. mmmm harmony vocals - I need more of those... sort of shifts into old country there. Violin? Don't get enough of that around here... Now low vocals - but different than the intro... and it ends the story. Great writing and performance. Gonna be hard to redo this one this good lol...!

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Listening to Left Undone...(will listen to Take My Love tomorrow)


Love the overall sound...it's really mood-developing...wow, the vocals are a shock! Not sure why...just the deepness and intensity I guess...this is REALLY good. All your stuff is so good.


LOVE the mandolin trembling away and the wailing kinda slidey guitars that come in...SOOO GOOD! And of course, love your vocals when they come in Robby...very poignant...love that rough and heartfelt and burly kinda feel...

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@Robby - do you also write "unoriginals"? Seriously, you should call them just songs, referring to them this way devalues your art in comparison to a popular tune.

I think he just wanted to make it especially clear these were not covers, since the moderator here can be a real tight-ass. [And that mod would be... me. :D ]

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I've been beaten in to submission, like the inmates in that Turkish prison in midnight express... When I tried to put some covers up (I have some good ones) Blue started out, "Robby? There's something like like to get straight between us..." And it went down hill from there. Oh I squirmed and tried to get away, but in the end, I was more like Madeline Kahn... And the worst part? He didn't respect me in the morning :-( But he didn't respect me before? So I guess not much changed.



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Oh! Sorry Robbers, I'll comment right now! *rushing to my headphones*


Really nice, fresh sounding guitar...LOVE the voices...reminds me very much of something I can't put my finger on...sort of a cross between something back in the 70s...reminds me of cordouroy pants and shaggy guy's hairdos...and also something very modern and laid back...I REALLY like it.


The strings in the background make a really nice atmosphere...a floaty kind of feeling that's grounded perfectly by the earthy guitar...and both are enhanced in a just lovely way by the vocals...


Robby, I envy your talent and the dedication you have to all your wonderful songs.

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I liked "Left Undone" a lot. I found the main melody a bit short and repetitive but this is my only critique, because the rest is very good.

I love the instrumental parts and the combination of instruments sounds really great. Very touching vocals too.

"Take my love" has the same defaults ( the repetitive melody) and the same qualities to me. Great arrangements. You're a good musician. Kudos!

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James was the man! It was funny to watch when he would act like he was running out of gas, and his assistant would run out on stage and put his cape on him? And he would get charged back up? LOL! I'm not so dramatic, when I run out of gas? I just lay there till the paramedics revive me! hahahah

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James was the man! It was funny to watch when he would act like he was running out of gas, and his assistant would run out on stage and put his cape on him? And he would get charged back up? LOL! I'm not so dramatic, when I run out of gas? I just lay there till the paramedics revive me! hahahah



I will pray for the day when the paramedics are not there. Then the corny "jokes" and cringe-inducing nerd humor will finally come to an end.

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