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Everything posted by DukeOfBoom

  1. lol, that's like one of those performances you do when you're so drunk and you think you're doing the most excellent job ever. then the next day you watch what a buddy recorded, and you can't bring yourself to watch more than 20 seconds. hahaha
  2. $1 million bucks to whoever posts live performances of: 1) Melissa Cross 2) Susan Carr 3) Kevin Richards 4) others?
  3. the way he moves during the song hehe, he moves like that in every damn thing he does, even when he's teaching other students in his vids. it's really funny
  4. I guess the same thing happens to singers as what happens to guitarists: the "widdly syndrome" people with too much technique put the technique before what's best for the song. it's similar to a guitarist playing a million notes when the tune doesn't call for a shredfest.
  5. is because they can't write a melody or lyrics. I mean, these coaches have great technique and all that. But a lot of them (I'm talking the rock-oriented ones) write the cheesiest lyrics and melodies. For example, take a look at Robert Lunte's performance on his original: HgBWfmuDYxU Robert Lunte always has good advice on his forum posts, and if I had the time and cash I'd go for one his power seminars, but man, this song is just bad. Bottom-line, however, is a career in music (even in coaching) beats working at the local steel mill.
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