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OT: Horrorcore "Artist" Massacres Family


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Other genres aren't solely focused on graphic murder.

Horrorcore is all about graphic murder. No other reason it exists.

Anyway like I said, I still believe too many stupid people take advantage of "Free Speech". I'm not for it, and I don't really care if that makes me UnAmerican. A bunch of people spreading nothing but hate, and violence is a recipe for disaster. Look at the kid in this thread. He carried out what the genre focuses on. What positive thing can come from this stuff? Name one thing.



I'm very delighted for you; and I will let you complete this idea, but the freedom of speech is the best right of all time! OF ALL TIME!


Sorry though. You fail for thinking this way. You have the right to think it, however; thanks to freedom of speech.

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Blistering flesh, another death, stiffened bones, morbid groans

Evil mind, brain oozing slime, feel the pain
Body weak brain contorting, fluid flowing from your organs
Veins torn our, Mangled
Festering flesh, quivering cadaver, ligaments stretched around your own neck
Drink the pus, Mangled
Severed dick, bloody bowels, the gutted corpse now lies hollow
Feeding on feces, Mangled
Amputated arms, crushing legs, head is ripped right off your shoulders
Thrown in a pile, Mangled
Limbs rearranged, head on backwards a humongous heap of twisting flesh
Sewn together, Mangled - Mangled



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From the same ever-reliable "news" site.


That looks like it probably played rather more of a part in this affair than any genre of music he listened to. There are thousands of people killed in jealous rages across the world, but that isn't quite so sensational as the idea that a whole genre of music is turning kids into killers. The guy is a prick in the same way that lots of people who don't listen to abysmal music can be pricks. Maybe he's mentally ill, maybe not. He should be tried for murder. The music should only be tried for whether it is bad or not. In the United States of LeftyScum4000, it's been convicted and extradited, but that doesn't mean that other people can't listen to it. Besides, from what that report says the two girls who were murdered were also into the genre, and were (not that anything else would ever be said) reportedly sweet as sugar.


While the option is available to us to not blame anyone and just try and react responsibly, I think we all deserve a little self-indulgant vengeful mob opinions here. So I'll blame Jesus, since he was the one who ordered the guy to do it. Thanks a lot, Jesus.

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He wasn't {censored}ed up because of the music was terrible, the music was terrible because he was {censored}ed up.


I still don't support limiting free speech, do you really want the government to have the power to decide what is and isn't for the public good? Do you see how that can be a slippery slope? Obviously the Constitution isn't going to be amended over this because the process helps limit reactionary changes that make it normal law rather than higher law, and thank god. This is a horrific slaying but are some of you really in favor of changing the principals of our nation because some psychopath murdered a family and happened to express his disgusting tendencies in his lyrics?

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Blaming music is mindless and a knee jerk reaction for people who want to make judgements in less than 5 seconds.

As people have pointed out, multiple bands talk about murder.. Deathmetal, Blackmetal, ICP, Misfits and other "horrorpunk". This easily totals over 100,000 people...Yet when one jackass who listens to the music in question kills people its the musics fault? This is not about restricting free speech, people like this kid will kill no matter what. If ICP or "horrorcore" were illegal, guess what, he probably still would've killed some people sooner or later. He is someone who lacks morals, common sense, or a conscience. His type is not compatible with civilized society.

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So, when can we start blaming the vile music these retards are listening to? When the lyrics involve chopping up dead bodies, and disposing of the remains, I would think warning bells would go off. There's artistic freedom which I understand, along with freedom of speech, but really what the {censored}?! These aren't artists. They're desensitized little kids that don't understand the difference between right and wrong, and thanks to the internet, they pick up new ideas left and right.



Come on man, it's not the {censored}ing music's fault. People have been singing about that {censored} for decades now; Cannibal Corpse has got some of the most {censored}ed-up lyrics you're likely to ever hear and they're all pretty normal, cool guys... the music is not to blame; it's the people.

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I demand vigilante justice! And not some pansy Batman "I'll throw into a jail that sucks" Real vigilante.

And before someone says something about I'm a mirror image of this kid by wanting him dead, a bunch of people have already mentioned the death penalty. And that problem wont work cause our system fails. Two wrongs might not make a right, but dammit, what will?

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Other genres aren't solely focused on graphic murder.

Horrorcore is all about graphic murder. No other reason it exists.


This coming from a Horrorcore expert, I presume?:poke:


Look, I don't know {censored} about horrorcore, but the fact is that lyrics are lyrics, and actions are actions. The two are quite distinct. Do you honestly think that the majority of people who write about death and murder and {censored} actually do it? What about, I dunno, horror MOVIES that don't just write about gruesome murder but display it, in as graphic and visceral a fashion as they can? How come we haven't seen Wes Craven kill anyone yet? Why hasn't Frank Mullen mutilated and murdered his wife, an act he so painstakingly describes in Suffocation's 1994 song "Marital Decimation?" The article mentioned an entire festival dedicated to the genre that they attended - presumably between several hundred and several thousand people there, bands and fans alike - why haven't they all gone and killed a bunch of people too?


People who kill other people don't do it because of the music they listen to/write, or the movies they watch/make, or the video games they play, or whatever. They do it because they are {censored}ED UP. Now, some of them might be involved in graphic music or movies or what have you (although I wouldn't be surprised if most of them aren't). Perhaps their murderous nature might be the thing that drives them to listen/watch/play etc that stuff. But that's an EFFECT, not a CAUSE, of them being murdering {censored}wads.

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He wasn't {censored}ed up because of the music was terrible, the music was terrible because he was {censored}ed up.

I still don't support limiting free speech, do you really want the government to have the power to decide what is and isn't for the public good? Do you see how that can be a slippery slope? Obviously the Constitution isn't going to be amended over this because the process helps limit reactionary changes that make it normal law rather than higher law, and thank god. This is a horrific slaying but are some of you really in favor of changing the principals of our nation because some psychopath murdered a family and happened to express his disgusting tendencies in his lyrics?





He was obviously {censored}ed up to begin with.

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I feel terrible for the family

So, when can we start blaming the vile music these retards are listening to? When the lyrics involve chopping up dead bodies, and disposing of the remains, I would think warning bells would go off. There's artistic freedom which I understand, along with freedom of speech, but really what the {censored}?! These aren't artists. They're desensitized little kids that don't understand the difference between right and wrong, and thanks to the internet, they pick up new ideas left and right.

no, we need to blame the government for not enforcing a license to breed... I am dead serious about this.

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Come on man, it's not the {censored}ing music's fault. People have been singing about that {censored} for decades now; Cannibal Corpse has got some of the most {censored}ed-up lyrics you're likely to ever hear and they're all pretty normal, cool guys... the music is not to blame; it's the people.

lol normal cool guys? they are the epitome of uncool

the freak literally starts frothing at the mouth on the metal headbangers doco

I'd say there public function is a little higher than a guy who washes out semen from a peep booth....he probably gets paid more to :facepalm:

then again I guess I'm real cool argueing over these {censored}ing clowns on the net :rolleyes:

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