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District 9


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I saw it a few days ago. The shakey cam was a drag. Good movie but expected more.


I will NEVER in my life..no matter what anyone says...understand the "shaky camera" thing.


So..it's supposed to be more realistic? More life-like? So if I am actually there in the movie....that's what I see?


Nu-uh. No. I don't know about anyone else...but my eyeballs work perfect well as gimbals, and this dreadful gimmick actually cheapens the movie to the point of nearly unwatchable.


So they think shooting it like home movies everyone hates is attractive? I don't want to watch this kind of movie as if a seven year old used a handycam and I watch it later. I want it like I'm actually THERE. :rolleyes::mad:


Same with the extreme zoom and pans.

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I will NEVER in my life..no matter what anyone says...understand the "shaky camera" thing.

So..it's supposed to be more realistic? More life-like? So if I am actually there in the movie....that's what I see?

Nu-uh. No. I don't know about anyone else...but my eyeballs work perfect well as gimbals, and this dreadful gimmick actually cheapens the movie to the point of nearly unwatchable.

So they think shooting it like home movies everyone hates is attractive? I don't want to watch this kind of movie as if a seven year old used a handycam and I watch it later. I want it like I'm actually THERE.

Same with the extreme zoom and pans.


Quarrantine only worked due to the shaky camera. If it were shot without making it seem like it's a news cameraman's footage, it would have failed.

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Quarrantine only worked due to the shaky camera. If it were shot without making it seem like it's a news cameraman's footage, it would have failed.



But...even then there's not THAT much "shaky camera" stuff in news....even in war footage, except very brief violent bombings.



Sorry....I understand where you're coming from, but if a major film production needs "shaky cameras" to "work"...it's not a good film period. I want to be part of the action...not viewing something through a news camera...later.

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Quarrantine only worked due to the shaky camera. If it were shot without making it seem like it's a news cameraman's footage, it would have failed.



in the same way that District 9 acknowledged the presence of someone filming the video. Well, in the first half anyway.


Most of the time I hate the shaky camera thing though. Like the 2nd Bourne movie. I saw it in the theatre, and especially during the car chase, I had no clue what was going on and was even feeling a little sick to my stomach.

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in the same way that District 9 acknowledged the presence of someone filming the video. Well, in the first half anyway.

Most of the time I hate the shaky camera thing though. Like the 2nd Bourne movie. I saw it in the theatre, and especially during the car chase, I had no clue what was going on and was even feeling a little sick to my stomach.



You could have an actual newscast...with the footage being shown in a smaller window. What better way to get a feel of "on location news camerman"? Do I REALLY need a "shaky camera" to be "in the mix". To be a 1st person cameraman? To feel like this is the newscast?


A good film will give you every emotion and empathy needed without doing that.


Alright..."uncle". I give. I don't like it and it's just a gimmick, imho. nuff said

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Good movie, but I felt the typical shallow character development-vibe from Jackson again.



Characters play a certain emotion through the whole movie, and that's about it. They're too predictable.



They only exist to serve the "all important message" that he tries to get across.











Yes Jackson, we know Africa is ugly and racist :facepalm::rolleyes:

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I liked it, but prefer Star Trek or Avatar if I'm considering what "Movie of the Year" is.



I thought Star Trek was well done. The birthing-just-as-attacked a bit cheesy, and some of the time travel/alternate universe things a bit sketchy....



but being a prequel for the biggest geek-fest on the planet, the success of it was no small fete. Great actor selection, good production and fx...looks like they even had a few non-CGI, non "forehead only" aliens. Acting and character development superb. Good pacing and comedy/drama mix.


I think most of the geeks enjoyed it, and you didn't HAVE to be a geek to have fun.



Just very well done.

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Quarantine worked? That's news to me.



Yeah Quarantine was terrible.


The reason I liked District 9 is because it was a new take on the alien invasion story that gets done over and over again. Star Trek was sick all around, loved it immensely but I may be a bit biased as a big Star Trek geek. I also love the newer Star Wars so my opinion may be moot.

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What annoyed me about District 9 was how utterly stupid the characters would act at times.




You just blew away the evil weapons dealer's henchmen, but all of a sudden you have an issue with morality when you're pointing the gun at his face? While he's talking about cutting off your arm and eating it? {censored}ing stupid, and sloppy writing right there.




Like someone else said, great ideas, poor execution.

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I didn't really see the ending as a sequel setup at all really... I mean sure it's there if they want but the real meat and potatoes has already been accomplished, and the open-ended finish was I think more just to make people think than to look for a sequel.



I think it can be looked at both ways. It can be looked at as a finish that you make you own conclusions to and that was their intention but alot of what was done closer to the end of the film seemed like it was just setting up for a sequel several years down the road.


The abuse and experiments to the aliens, their advanced weapons and technology that humans couldn't get to work, the new district 10 (supposedly worse than the slums the aliens were living in during the movie), the mentioning of the alien population continuing to grow, the news cast speculating about the possible return to free the remaining aliens and get revenge, the main alien character saying several times he promises to return in 3 years, etc....


If done right I think a District 10 could be amazing and better than District 9 but it seems most sequels suffer and usually suck, especially if the producer of the first film doesn't return for the sequel.

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I thought Star Trek was well done. The birthing-just-as-attacked a bit cheesy, and some of the time travel/alternate universe things a bit sketchy....


Yeah, lol.



The autopilot was busted and Kirk Sr. couldn't fly himself outta there...






...but the "auto-guiding self-destruct pilot" worked just fine :lol::facepalm:

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I loved Star Trek, Avatar and District 9. But alas, I'm a sci-fi geek. I just saw District 9 last night, and it exceeded my expectations. Unlike Trek and Avatar that left me wanting a sequel, I feel as if D9 doesn't need one. Sure, it leaves it open ended, but a sequel would have to be done carefully. Theres too big of a risk of a {censored}ty sequel than to just leave it alone.

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I loved Star Trek, Avatar and District 9. But alas, I'm a sci-fi geek. I just saw District 9 last night, and it exceeded my expectations. Unlike Trek and Avatar that left me wanting a sequel, I feel as if D9 doesn't need one. Sure, it leaves it open ended, but a sequel would have to be done carefully. Theres too big of a risk of a {censored}ty sequel than to just leave it alone.


Keep mind that something like "Star Trek" is a VERY big universe. It's not just an event...but a universe full of life and happenings. Star TrekTM isn't necessarily "sequels" in the sense of a continuation of the original story....but just more chapters in a LARGE volume of possibilities.


Other times...a story is just a story and that's it (or SHOULD be right? :) ).


Doesn't mean you can be real cheesy or obvious with the "sequel to come" ending.

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isn't necessarily "sequels" in the sense of a continuation of the original story....but just more chapters in a LARGE volume of possibilities.

Other times...a story is just a story and that's it (or SHOULD be right?

Doesn't mean you can be real cheesy or obvious with the "sequel to come" ending.


Well, Star Trek started off just a story, and eventually snowballed into it this massive fandom. I see Avatar having that potential, if the sequels are pulled off correctly.

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Yeah, lol.

The autopilot was busted and Kirk Sr. couldn't fly himself outta there...

...but the "auto-guiding self-destruct pilot" worked just fine


My 17-year old daughter suggested that Nero try to use the black hole-thingy to go go back to try and save his planet, rather than hunting down Spock. :idea:



I've only seen it a couple times, but surely there's a reason he didn't do it. Right? Right? lol...even if there is, still a good question.

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