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District 9


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So well-said I may rethink my position.

However....*if* they are doing the camera shake to "put someone in the viewpoint of a person"....it's 99.9% unnecessary. The cinematography of it should do it, if done well. "Camera shake" actually distances me, unhooks me from feeling like I'm THERE, the opposite of the intent, I'd think. Not a good tactic, imho.




I think the problem is mainly because it's so overused. In Saving Private Ryan it made the whole war thing feel more hectic, kind of what I suppose it would feel having bullets flying all over you etc. Now it's used in so many movies that it has become just distracting.


Another thing I hate that also got popular because of Saving Private Ryan was the desaturation of colors. It was used well in that movie but now lots of movies have more monochrome colors - for example if a scene is set in any Eastern Block country it's always got to be winter with desaturated colors for some reason.

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I still have a little problem with why it took them 20 years to sift through enough of their own garbage
they marooned
on earth to find enough fluid to start their ship back up. The mothership fired right back up no problem, too. Apparently, they had the ability to go back home even before they got here, so what's the whole point?

I dunno, I was really stoned when I watched it, but did I miss something?


You missed the idea behind how insects work. They were a hive-people, meaning that these worker drones are largely unintelligent with no drive/ambition or real ability to do anything but basic functions without a Queen. My guess is that the whole ship was a worker colony and that when it ran out of fuel on a routine activity it never returned to its Queen for more instruction. Without instruction they do nothing but live. They were probably all haploid drones waiting around for the Queen to realize she lost a ship and has to send for them in some way, totally unable to fend for themselves.


Anyway, my guess is that the main character was of slightly unusually high intelligence/initiative and was the only one who could or would do something like he did. They wouldn't have thought to use their weapons, rather than understanding it was an inevitable defeat situation.


That's why they stuck around in the ship for so long until someone came in to get them and why they were so susceptible to manipulation and instruction.

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I didn't really see the ending as a sequel setup at all really... I mean sure it's there if they want but the real meat and potatoes has already been accomplished, and the open-ended finish was I think more just to make people think than to look for a sequel.




And I liked it a lot too. :thu:

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