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District 9


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liked the thinking outside the box concept. We keep looking for UFOs / aliens in the skies for thousands of years and then one of em runs out of gas right in a major city for all to see and they end up living here. Pretty radical. The only thing I disliked about the movie was the cockroach look of the aliens. Overall it was a good movie because it stepped outside of the normal boundaries. I'd like to see some more sci-fi movies where the scenarios are more realistic (turning on lights in rooms before going into them, staying together, calling in for reinforcements and waiting before going into a building, etc...). It's time for some new ideas and realism would definitely help.

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no. It was a good movie overall, but did a little too much overpromising. Visually, they did outstanding, but otherwise not memorable enough.


District 9, though, creative marketing, lived up to the hype, it was a solid movie. Movie of the decade, I don't know, too hard to say, movie of the year, it's got tough competition from Star Trek I'd say.

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The trailers made it seem like it would be different than it really was. I thought it would be sick based on the trailers. It did not turn out to be as sick as I thought. First off, the interviews in the beginning gave away the end. Secondly, the Aliens were really that wimpy that they could not destroy the humans and did not mind being stuck in the slums? They had tons of guns stockpiled, yet took it up the but from the Nigerians and other humans? Not very realistic. It was not a bad movie, but I thought it could have been a lot better.

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The trailers made it seem like it would be different than it really was. I thought it would be sick based on the trailers. It did not turn out to be as sick as I thought. First off, the interviews in the beginning gave away the end. Secondly, the Aliens were really that wimpy that they could not destroy the humans and did not mind being stuck in the slums? They had tons of guns stockpiled, yet took it up the but from the Nigerians and other humans? Not very realistic. It was not a bad movie, but I thought it could have been a lot better.


a friend of mine said that they should have just carpet bombed district 9, towed the mothership out to the desert and tommahawked it into bits. :idea:



It's ok though.. all of it happened in Africa so the rest of the world didn't care. :cop:

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I never saw any of the hype nor really had much a clue what it was about going in, other than an alien theme....so I found it a really refreshing film and entertaining.


...always best not to listen to the hype/reviews on anything I find....that and the fact that I do not watch TV helps :D

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The trailers made it seem like it would be different than it really was. I thought it would be sick based on the trailers. It did not turn out to be as sick as I thought. First off, the interviews in the beginning gave away the end. Secondly, the Aliens were really that wimpy that they could not destroy the humans and did not mind being stuck in the slums? They had tons of guns stockpiled, yet took it up the but from the Nigerians and other humans? Not very realistic. It was not a bad movie, but I thought it could have been a lot better.



ZOOOM over your head.


Anyway good movie, but not as good as many people make it out to be. I'm looking forward to not seeing a sequel but seeing more from the director/writer.

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I didn't really see the ending as a sequel setup at all really... I mean sure it's there if they want but the real meat and potatoes has already been accomplished, and the open-ended finish was I think more just to make people think than to look for a sequel.



I'm surprised people saw it as a pure sequel setup. I didn't feel any need for closure after the ending.

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