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British Media and brits blame Obama for pensions dropping value.


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what i find amusing is that as a coincidence all of this has happened at the same time that billions have been approved to send more people to war and no one talks about it.

By the way, you might not seen this, because it has not been on the USA news, but "our guys" were sent to Cuba for advice and to make deals to drill on Cuban shores....
But that hasn't been in the USA news at all.

Obama won because everyone in the word was tired of the abuses made by the Republicans breaking every international laws, but those who made Obama win just to cool the engines will make him loose, it is all about mass media induced thoughts and acts in the US.
AT least the US learned a lot from Leni R.

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Discuss if you like, or not as it may be.




It seems to me that Obama doesn't really know how to be President- which is no surprise since he had NO executive/leadership experience. It seems that he blames instead of makes decisions. Not very presidential, IMO.


I may be wrong.

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At this point I would like to add I am not tpyical English and would leave the country at the Drop of a hat.

Infact I would love a green card and go live in Hawaii.

Hawaii is run by the same guys as the mainland U.S. In fact wait,.....Hawaii IS a state in the U.S!

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what i find amusing is that as a coincidence all of this has happened at the same time that billions have been approved to send more people to war and no one talks about it.

By the way, you might not seen this, because it has not been on the USA news, but "our guys" were sent to Cuba for advice and to make deals to drill on Cuban shores....

But that hasn't been in the USA news at all.

Obama won because everyone in the word was tired of the abuses made by the Republicans breaking every international laws, but those who made Obama win just to cool the engines will make him loose, it is all about mass media induced thoughts and acts in the US.

AT least the US learned a lot from Leni R.

I knew it was those damn Republicans were undoing that rubber valve and seal some 5000 feet under the water, they REALLY wanted to cause this disaster, With global domination being the ultimate greedy goal! :facepalm:

Really man get off the internet sometime and get out of the house a lil


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what i find amusing is that as a coincidence all of this has happened at the same time that billions have been approved to send more people to war and no one talks about it.

By the way, you might not seen this, because it has not been on the USA news, but "our guys" were sent to Cuba for advice and to make deals to drill on Cuban shores....

But that hasn't been in the USA news at all.

Obama won because everyone in the word was tired of the abuses made by the Republicans breaking every international laws, but those who made Obama win just to cool the engines will make him loose, it is all about mass media induced thoughts and acts in the US.

AT least the US learned a lot from Leni R.

Mother of god, the :facepalm:

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I knew it was those damn Republicans were undoing that rubber valve and seal some 5000 feet under the water, they REALLY wanted to cause this disaster, With global domination being the ultimate greedy goal!

Really man get off the internet sometime and get out of the house a lil



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Do they? Do they really? Well thanks for the heads-up, Gary.

Just passing on an interesting article that I ran across while reading.
Who is at fault here? Why of course it is BP. You should see the contingency plans they had drawn up in the wake of this disaster. One of the head persons that they have listed for environmental concerns here in the USA died in 2005.

Mind you, these plans were drawn up and presented to our Congress in May of 2010.

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Quite frankly, from a British perspective, Obama's handling of the blame placement game in this incident has been pretty attrocious. I'm sure, as a superpower country, if he was ganging up to a small third world country, there'd be a lot more said about it! He's spared no attempt to attack BP, shifting the blame and finally off to blame Britain themselves.

BP's stock supports nearly 1 in 8 of all British pensions. BP's stock plummeting is having a grave effect on that scenario! I'm sure if it were American pensions at stake, there'd have been a lot more help and a lot less bellyaching from Obama. Not to mention, BP pays four times as much American taxes than it does British and also supports over 25,000 American workers (as opposed to 13,000 British). Not seeing it as an American problem too is just frankly absurd and short-sighted!

TBH though, {censored} Obama. He's a straight up dick-weasel and has proved himself to be no different than the criminals that preceded him. I'm almost ashamed that, if I were an American voter, I probably would have voted for him too. But he's nothing more than a deceitful little {censored}!

No investment without risk? You really are thick! What do you think supports
pensions, health insurances and your very livelihood? How do you think you get wages paid? Maybe you still have the old image of the big rich moneybags dude behind the scenes, doling out little bags of money to the slaves? You don't think every penny you pay out and every penny you earn in there isn't tied in some way to the stock market? In fact, completely?

I would love to see your reaction if your pension was under threat. Let's see how smart you would be then!

Where has Obama or anyone blamed Britain for this? I smell a former superpower insecurity complex? :wave:


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Just passing on an interesting article that I ran across while reading.

Who is at fault here? Why of course it is BP. You should see the contingency plans they had drawn up in the wake of this disaster. One of the head persons that they have listed for environmental concerns here in the USA died in 2005.

Mind you, these plans were drawn up and presented to our Congress in May of 2010.



Saw that too, they also mentioned the importance of saving the Gulf Coast Walrus. They're so endangered that they exist only in BPs imagination

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Saw that too, they also mentioned the importance of saving the Gulf Coast Walrus. They're so endangered that they exist only in BPs imagination



Not only the Walrus but the seals as well! Man, they must have done a bang up job at saving those two species, I haven't seen one oil drenched or oil covered seal as of yet:idea:

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"British Media and brits blame Obama for pensions dropping value."

Oh. We do, do we?

So how does that work? Who writes this crap? Hello?

Would you read that sentence again a few times please?

See anything at all just a little bit simplistic about it?

Not true. I understand your righteous patriotic outrage but it really is not.

Nothing President Obama has said affects my pension.

Anyone want to discuss amplifiers?

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Hawaii is run by the same guys as the mainland U.S. In fact wait,.....Hawaii IS a state in the U.S!

No way really........................... of course I know that :facepalm:

Just so you know my uncle had a real estate business in Florida and Hawaii I was also going to get married in Hawaii until we found out my wife was pregnant and could not fly.

I know a little of America, did you know the Hawaiian flag has the union flag in it as it was a British colony before we handed it over..

It will belong to china soon any how.

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"British Media and brits blame Obama for pensions dropping value."

Oh. We do, do we?

So how does that work? Who writes this crap? Hello?

Would you read that sentence again a few times please?

See anything at all just a little bit simplistic about it?

Not true. I understand your righteous patriotic outrage but it really is not.

Nothing President Obama has said affects my pension.

Anyone want to discuss amplifiers?




Read the article titled " Brits blame Obama as BP-linked pensions plummet."

Read who wrote it and your questions will be answered.

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