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Time for a new tuner - which one?


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So, my TU-2 has gone missing. I have a feeling it's been nicked, but regardless, time for a new one anyways.


So, which tuner should I get?


Must haves:

I want pedal style operation, like the TU-2

Muted output whilst tuning, true bypass otherwise

Works of standard Boss DC9v supplies

Nice clear displays

Would prefer one that are happy tuning 5-string basses too.

Must be reliable, accurate and quick - the TU-2 had some tracking problems when tuning 5-string basses.


Budget is

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i'd trust anything tc makes-- and it's a goodly small box with what appears to be a pretty good strobe... just haven't used it. the tu3 works great. the digitech.. mmr.. i haven't liked their pedals much.. but never used that thing either. but as a known entity-- the pitchblack is easier for me to see than the tu3.. the readout is pretty doggone huge- which is really helpful on dark stages- and the thing has a seemingly infinite battery life. kid you not- i got over a year with the super cheapies they sent with the thing... OH-- and i've intonated quite a few guitars with it, and i can certainly speak to it's accuracy... no complaints yet.

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