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A question for guys in bands...


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Well, looks like for the tryout I'll just be plugging a mic into a guitar amp.

Not ideal, but for now I'm not gonna drop money on a PA that might not get used. I'll cross that bridge when/if I come to it.

Now the lovely dance of attempting to mesh schedules to actually try out. YAY! :lol:

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LOL, I only checked out the first two...

Yeah, seems even the crustiest squats have a PA these days. I was just surprised by the numbers. I thought the difference between the continent and UK can't be that big that over there you'd have hc/punk shows in 8k venues

HAHA...tell you what...some crusty squats have really good FOH systems! Or at least have decent engineers who can make it sound ace!

Where are you from yourself?

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somebody mentioned the "VoiceTone" pedals earlier in the thread... TC Electronic has a few new ones out there now. The eq/compression one is pretty amazing... listen to how her voice just jumps out front and center when she clicks the pedal on.



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Well, looks like for the tryout I'll just be plugging a mic into a guitar amp.

Not ideal, but for now I'm not gonna drop money on a PA that might not get used. I'll cross that bridge when/if I come to it.

Now the lovely dance of attempting to mesh schedules to actually try out. YAY!

Can't you go rent a 500 watt powered monitor for the practice/tryout?

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I'm from Slovenia but have been to my fair share of crusty squats here and all over Europe
Yeah, I agree, usually the people are really dedicated they know the acoustics of the place like the back of their hand so they make it work.

Ahhh wicked. I must say, the Kopi in Berlin is an excellent place, also the Loubusch in Hamburg....true squat style!!!

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somebody mentioned the "VoiceTone" pedals earlier in the thread... TC Electronic has a few new ones out there now. The eq/compression one is pretty amazing... listen to how her voice just jumps out front and center when she clicks the pedal on.



That was cool up until the point the poppy auto tune thing kicked in.


Fuuuuuuu I can't stand that effect

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The way I see it:

A small PA for practices, where nothing but vocals get miked is the singer's responsibility.

A larger PA for gigs is the band's responsibility.

As a singer, you should have at least a small set up that is loud enough to be heard over guitar amps. Something like this would be enough:

That's pretty much the same cost as a regular guitar amp (cheaper than many amps) and should get you through practices and stuff.

If the band decides to tour with their whole PA later, that would be a band expense and you can either rent or buy, depending on how often you play venues that need you to bring your own PA.



Somebody gets it.........

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I expect him/her to have a wireless and expect them to help move equipment and not socialize after a gig.


No reason not to have/not to do either.



I expect them not to be full of {censored} when they smoke like a train and/or drink like a fish, then complain that they can't sing for some unknown reason. That's like me running a bastard file across my fingers repeatedly, then complaining my fingers hurt when I play the guitar "for some unknown reason".

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Who'd you see there? My band supported Agrotoxico there in Sept...was a wicked night. I've played there lots of times over the years!

What bars you go to in Hamburg? I got a lot of mates over there!



To tell you the truth, I forgot. It was one of those nights that you are set to meet some friends, find out that there's a gig and just check it out... It was in the second half of July.


In Hamburg it was mostly Onkel Otto and Ahoi in the Hafenstrasse, Bernhard-Nocht Strasse area. (LOL squatland again, I like the relaxed atmosphere)

Also been to some upwards of Reeperbahn. There was a Turbonegro gig or gathering or something because whole St. Pauli was packed with Turbojugend. I had no idea that band has such wast and loyal fanbase...


Anyway LOVE both Berlin and Hamburg.

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Hey Loop, you endorsing these? I was looking at this myself and the Boss ve 20. Any input would be appreciated!


VE20 is cool too. I chose this one, though, because I don't need any HardTune/Harmony "BIG" effects. I just want a really good live vocal channel with verb/chorus/delay/eq/compression. This thing RULES. :love:

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VE20 is cool too. I chose this one, though, because I don't need any HardTune/Harmony "BIG" effects. I just want a really good live vocal channel with verb/chorus/delay/eq/compression. This thing RULES.

After you posted that Loop I saw on my local CL someone was selling a TC-Helicon around here. It was a different one though that focused more on the vocoder aspect of things.

If I do get this lead singer thing I will be getting a smallish PA as soon as I can and picking up some sort of vocal fx pedal. The TC-Helicon thing is awesome, but if I'm having to get a PA I don't know if my limited budget can fit it. I might pick up one used if I can find it cheap enough, but I've found a number of Digitech "Something" 300 used that recieved pretty decent reviews and are relatively inexpensive.

Thanks for the input here guys. :wave:

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somebody mentioned the "VoiceTone" pedals earlier in the thread... TC Electronic has a few new ones out there now. The eq/compression one is pretty amazing... listen to how her voice just jumps out front and center when she clicks the pedal on.


Seriously, an autotune pedal? :facepalm:

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Some of the TC pedals have pitch correction (as do the boss VE20 and digitech vocalist), but that's FAR from what they're all about. The TC Pedals are KILLER MultiFX pedals for vocalists.


It's not a knock at the company by any shot. More just disdain that the effect's as popular as it is.

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