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Deciding On Which Amp To Get:Peavey 6505+ Head/ Line 6 Vetta or HD147 Head?


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Hey guys I'm trying to decide on what amp head to get. I'm getting ready to get another head as my main amp head.


I currentely have a Mesa Tremoverb that was converted to a head but I've had it since new in 95 and can't really use it at shows cause it's either off or rip yer head off volume. I also have a Line 6 Flextone 2 head & floorboard that I've used for a long time but I'm kind of at a crossroads cause I like the conveinence of not having to do a tap dance with the Line 6, hence why I was thinking of upgrading to a HD147 or original Vetta head, our band plays modern metal.


On the other hand my buddy has a peavey 6505+ head and I love the way it sounds so I was thinking of getting a 6505+ head and maybe one of those Line 6 M9 stompbox modelers for my effects. Any thoughts?

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If you haven't already tried it, you may want to put an eq pedal in the loop and set the level a little lower so the point at which the volume knob seems to jump won't be a problem anymore. Otherwise, I've never liked Line 6 amps and will be biased towards recommending almost anything else. :D And I have a 6505+ and definitely recommend it for metal. Regarding recording, I've heard some great Line 6 metal tones and know they're convenient for DI, but there are also some great amp sim plugins (including free ones) that'll get great metal tones.

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The Line 6 Vetta is a good amp and for whatever reason is ALOT BETTER sounding than the HD 147, (Im not a fan of the HD147, alot more sterile and lifeless to my ears) i dont know why but it just is, its not even close. I dont know why Line 6 stopped with that amp, it really was a good sounding and versatile amp. I kinda wonder what they could have done if they continued with that as the flagship development amp



The Peavey 6505 is a workhorse and monster, cant go wrong with that amp its a great amp, i would go
















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the 6505+ ! I picked one up used for $550 this month and for $50 I got a bias mod and hiss mod and it competes and holds its own. Great for rock and metal.


Line 6 {censored} is not gonna be in your best interests. Great bedroom amps but wont cut through anything in a live mix. Stay away from that stuff.

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I own 5150 II, Vetta upgraded to II specs, HD147, SpiderValve HD100, and plenty of cabs to work with. Once again, I have to go against the grain and express my love for Line 6.


In the metal cover band I was in. Guess what amp got the most playing time by far? Vetta. Play most of the rhythm and need sweet cleans with a bit of effects?(Fade to Black) Vetta. Wanna run different amps on the left and right for a huge sound? Vetta. Like to have a plethora of amps and effects to choose? Vetta. Need a super fun amp? Vetta.


Dont get me wrong the 5150 II smashes my balls with its one sound. :lol:

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I own 5150 II, Vetta upgraded to II specs, HD147, SpiderValve HD100, and plenty of cabs to work with. Once again, I have to go against the grain and express my love for Line 6.

In the metal cover band I was in. Guess what amp got the most playing time by far? Vetta. Play most of the rhythm and need sweet cleans with a bit of effects?(Fade to Black) Vetta. Wanna run different amps on the left and right for a huge sound? Vetta. Like to have a plethora of amps and effects to choose? Vetta. Need a super fun amp? Vetta.

Dont get me wrong the 5150 II smashes my balls with its one sound.


This affirms my suspicions in the thread about the Tiny Terror.


You have tin ear,..

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Well then so does all my bandmates and every person that ever complimented my sound. All 100% favorable.


Ive said it before and Ill say it again. If you cant get a servicable sound from one of Line 6s flagship amps then you fucking suck.


You cant get one out of a Tinny terror either. Perhaps you should stick to acoustic guitar?:p


This affirms my suspicions in the thread about the Tiny Terror.

You have tin ear,..

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If you cant get a servicable sound from one of Line 6s flagship amps then you {censored}ing suck.



I'm gonna have to agree, the Vetta dialed in right sounds BADASS!!!


He has my old one, and like him, I always got compliments on my tone from people at gigs/rehearsals, as well as fellow musicians.


6505 is a great amp period, but don't discount a Line 6 in the right hands.

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Why get rid of your Mesa? FastRed had it right with a powerbrake. Honestly, that's the amp I'd take over what you listed.


For the amps you're talking about... Peavey has a great sound!


Line6 HD147 & esp the Vetta, when in the hands of someone who will take their time, have awesome tones.



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