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Has anyone here tried a telecaster through a 6505+?


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For me, it's all about the bridge pickup. Throw whatever you want in the neck and middle positions, but a Tele with a bucker in the bridge...well, what's the point?

Though I have been wondering what an angled P90 in the bridge position would sound like. I've seen Teles with p90s, but they're always straight in the bridge, instead of the traditional slant.


I've seen that done... it looks kinda {censored}ed up... a bit like Mosrite looks wierd with a slanted PU up at the neck.

Tone wise... not much difference if any...




Not that there's anything wrong with a P90 at the bridge in a tele...I just don't think the slant makes much difference.

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Yeah as long as the bridge stays the same its fine.

Btw. Sx tele + usa fender pickups = can't tell the difference (besides the headstock). For under $200. I a/bd them. (Vs a MIM btw)

I want a real rosewood one though. Titties.


I do not know why everyone seems to be finding SX guitars so great when damn near every one I have ever tried had so much neck shrinkage that the frets were like saw teeth.


Too bad too... they make some pretty strat clones.

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For me, it's all about the bridge pickup. Throw whatever you want in the neck and middle positions, but a Tele with a bucker in the bridge...well, what's the point?


Throw the right sc-sized humbucker in there wired for splitting and you have like 90% of the same basic tele tone plus the ability to go noiseless and fatten up the sound.


I seriously doubt many people could actually tell the difference; I definitely can't.

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I use Tele's into a Tubescreamer (or OCD sometimes) and a Recto (Roadking) and I can get some mean ass chugging... beastly tone.


If you check out www.reverbnation/com/lastunderthesun, Gone, OK Bye, More Helicopters, Beautane and Hooligan Jihad are newest songs, which feature me mixed to the right. That was done with my Baja Tele into the TS9 and Roadking.


I have thought about doing the whole Hotrails thing, as I've heard quite a few Teles with them which sound monsterous...but I'm just loving the single coil clarity. My eyes were opened to lower output pickups into Hi-Gain amps when I spent an afternoon in the studio with Doug from Blackmachine. He distributes Diezel amps over here, and his buisness partner let me have a blast on his Blackmachine Tele with single coils through a Herbert.....Holy {censored}!

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I've always wanted a Tele and I've been seriously thinking about pulling the trigger on one lately. I'm just wondering how they mesh with a 6505+. Will this cause a paradox and rip a hole in the space-time continuum?

didn't poison the well run tele's into rectifiers?

it's not an anomaly.

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I mean, that's still a fine looking tele.

It just needs to lose that dumb extra pickup


I've never been a big fan of the middle pickup, but a Nashville style Tele lets you mimic that front/middle strat tone....

like in this video:













Ok...my dog lost his dinner while that was playing...not sure it was a coincidence

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I talked to Arend. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go ahead with this. Doing a bit more research on other options. You know...I've always wanted a raw rock rig and the thought of getting a Tele is making me also really want grab a Ceriatone Hiwatt 504 clone.

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