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Man, I'm so sick of scum like this.


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Lol, dude, I'm joking in this thread (see reference to torch brah).


I don't even think this was in a backyard, it sure looked like a front yard.


I mean, there's white trash pathetic, then there's Florida white trash PATHETIC.








Reminds me of the videos of the sista's :cop: fighting in the hood then some overweight big mama comes running out and kool-aid slams some frail assed looking crack baby mama.




Weaves be going in all directions, and {censored}.

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Kid threw first punch, then get wailed on.

LOL, kid had that one coming. Sometimes u gotta know when to hold em' and when to fold em'. Lil' homeboy should have been happy with his win and packed it up, no sense in challenging the dad.

Pretty much this. Kid was writing checks, his ass couldn't cash lol.

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Dumb-ass drunken redneck taking out his frustrations on a mouthy kid... Way to go, Gary!


Good thing you shook hands and made all nicey-nice with the kid afterwards...


The teen is still recovering, according to his mother. "He's still got to see a bunch of doctors," she said. "He's got to see an oral surgeon

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Lol, chavs.


It looks uncool but there's bound to have been aggravating circumstances besides his kid conceding defeat in the original fight. What if the kid had been bullying his son or harassing the family for ages, maybe no excuse but makes the flip out more understandable. I don't have a hell of a lot of sympathy for undisciplined little {censored}s who think they can get away with anything without repercussions.


Not enough evidence from the news report to draw any sort of conclusion.


Besides, when I was 16, scrapping with a 35 year old was fair game? :idk::lol:


I tell you if the {censored}er did this to my kid he would've been dead before the cops got there.


Yeah, I believe you. :cool:

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LOL at anyone even trying to defend this guy. He had no business allowing that fight between the kids to happen in his backyard, let alone offer to be the referee AND end up fighting the kid. Guy is an asshole, jail will serve him well.



This, thank you GB.

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Did anyone see the picture with the right cross technique? Dude have a solid front foot pivot, good stance and a solid straight arm.



Then, on that other picture, he has a total power stance with an almost rape choke.




He's good...



























..too good. :o

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Couldn't he just kick somebody's ass in prison too?


Anything is possible, but it's a far different thing to just be big daddy tough guy willing to kick the {censored} out of a teenager than to be a hardened criminal who wouldn't give two farts about killing him in a fight. :idk:

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I just the vid... WTF? The kid just got roughed up a bit, nothing serious. He was facing off to the dad at the start, which means he was up for it, and shook hands at the end. Weak parenting for sure, but kinda lame to have your panties in a wad over this.


Did anyone see the picture with the right cross technique? Dude have a solid front foot pivot, good stance and a solid straight arm.


He definitely looked like he's done some training. :lol:

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