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NAD! More Marshall

Tommy Horrible

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That is good to hear
I thought mine sounded massive too, until I threw the eq in the loop. Regardless, it was still big and mean without the eq! I was rocking a PRS McCarty with it today and it sounded awesome! The pickups aren't near as hot as the 500T, so I can only imagine the extra crunchiness you are getting...

So now that you have peaked my interests, I do believe some clips are in order :poke:



Hmmmm, maybe if I can get the wife out of the house tommorow.

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Hmmmm, maybe if I can get the wife out of the house tommorow.


I think a trip to the spa might be worth considering... I don't know a woman who would turn it down :D


Don't feel pressed to get it done quickly... I will be here, lurking and waiting patiently :thu:



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I might have been your buyer, but I want one with el34s. I'm going to dump all my other Marshalls and just have 2 of these. I played one with the 5881s and didn't jive with it.



wouldn't converting it over to 34's be an easy mod?

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wouldn't converting it over to 34's be an easy mod?



It might be. I'm no techie, but in a Carvin X100B converting to el34's from 6L6's I believe also requires a screen resistor change as well as grounding a pin to socket and changing the bias resistor.

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How are the SLX's midgains and cleans?



This is all JCM900 MkIII



I've heard that the main difference between the MkIII and the SL-X is that the SL-X is darker. I personally haven't played one so I can't say how true that is.


I know the cleans aren't perfectly clean, but I think the low gain tone of this amp is sick.


Listen around 3:00 to hear only guitar. And then around 3:30 to hear how the amp reacted when he dug in with his picking (i recorded this for a friend)

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This is all JCM900 MkIII

I've heard that the main difference between the MkIII and the SL-X is that the SL-X is darker. I personally haven't played one so I can't say how true that is.

I know the cleans aren't perfectly clean, but I think the low gain tone of this amp is sick.

Listen around 3:00 to hear only guitar. And then around 3:30 to hear how the amp reacted when he dug in with his picking (i recorded this for a friend)



Compared to most other Marshall's the SL-X's high gain sounds are darker/smoother. It's still Marshall bright and present, but in a smoother darker way than the 2203,JVM or DSL.


I particularly find the DSL's to be the most overly bright of any marshall I've played.

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