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would you play a gig w someone else's cab?


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the guitar player with the other band we are playing with on sat has asked me if i wanted to just use his cab instead of bringing mine. its a marshall 1960 w the stock speakers so its def decent but i dont know how it will sound with the mak4 so i am just nervous and overthinking it. i dunno, i really dont mind carrying gear and i love my setup so i am torn. i love how my avatar w k100s sounds but its st pattys day at one of the busiest bars in town so its going to be crazy and once we are done i plan to get {censored}faced so maybe just this time less work would be good.


i dunno, wut do hcaf???




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Its quite common on the touring circuit to use someone elses cab, we certainly lend ours out all the time!


Hell yea! It's just a cab. No one in the crowd will know the difference in tone, unless it's some terrible crate cab.


Would I prefer to use my Orange? Definitely...I love my tone. Would I mind using someone's Marshall? Nope...makes my life easier :lol:


I also have no problem letting someone else use my cab.

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yeah i know; like i said i am just overthinking it, lol. havent gigged in like 1.5 years so i am super excited and nervous - want everything to be perfect.

i am sure it will sound fine and at the end of the day there are many more important factors than a cab for entertaining a bar crowd. maybe one person if that would even notice if it sounded different and it would make things easier in terms of hauling / set up and tear down.

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yep. I've done it before.


Seems like everybody and their mother has a 1960 laying about. I feel like that cab gets a bit scooped and metal sounding with my Orange (it's the 75s), but I've used them on tour


{censored}, back in the day I used to let EVERYBODY use my gflex 2x12. Mostly to prove to them how awesome it was

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I borrow other guitarists' cabs all the time; the GEQ and the Presence knob on my amp make it pretty easy to adjust to minor differences.


I also have no problems allowing other guitarists to use my cab: physically, it's sturdy as {censored}; it's rated to 300 watts; and it's ported. What are they going to do to it, exactly? :idk:

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I borrow other guitarists' cabs all the time; the GEQ and the Presence knob on my amp make it pretty easy to adjust to minor differences.

I also have no problems allowing other guitarists to use my cab: physically, it's sturdy as {censored}; it's rated to 300 watts; and it's ported.
What are they going to do to it, exactly?


Ruin it. Have it happen to you once, then get back to me. :thu:

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I borrow other guitarists' cabs all the time; the GEQ and the Presence knob on my amp make it pretty easy to adjust to minor differences.

I also have no problems allowing other guitarists to use my cab: physically, it's sturdy as {censored}; it's rated to 300 watts; and it's ported. What are they going to do to it, exactly?

I've had issues letting other people use my cabs. {censored}ing singer was standing on top of my 1960 and jumping off. Sure it probably wouldn't hurt it. But people just don't respect {censored}. I might be an ass but I don't let anyone use my {censored} anymore and I can't stand when other bands even ask.

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I had this same situation a couple years ago. Needed a smooth, quick transition between bands so we all had to use the same drums / cabs / bass amp. Guess sorta like an open mic night type setup. I was worried as hell. Opening band sounded like {censored}. Second band sounded slightly better with mediocre gear. We're all audiophile tone-junkies, so we go up there all sweaty and nervous about our sound....


and we {censored}IN rocked.


All night, people commented on how great we sounded and how much better we were than the other 3 bands. Guys from all the other bands said the same {censored}. I honestly think that was the best we ever sounded on stage. Really boosts your confidence. Bottom line is: there's always a chance it'll sound like {censored}. But there's also a chance that it'll sound like sex.

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You may well be right, and if/when it happens, you guys will be the first to hear about it.


There is not a lot people can do to ruin a cab, just by playing a set before/after yours. With amps, I understand, but cabs are pretty straight forward, even if the {censored}er mismatches the impedance he will probably ruin his amp before he ruins your cab.

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