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Golfers.. this is LULZ


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They did this on the jackass movie. Hilarious



This. Funny as {censored}.




Also. Just remember you're {censored}ing with at least 4 dudes...all of whom have bags of 3 ft long metal clubs...and spiked shoes.


You do that to me, I'll come at you. I won't tee off into you...Me and 3 of my friends will chase you and beat you with whatever clubs we have handy. And you won't ever do that {censored} again.


/internet badass

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Ohh come on.. I play too. I think this is hilarious. I love how some of these guys take their game so seriously. If they laughed it off, nobody would keep doing it. It's due to these player reactions this stuff happens.


I remember a guy on our course that beat the {censored} out of another player for burping while he was trying to putt. Dude was a total dickhead about it. Beer drinking will result in belching at some point.

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ha! i used to live right near a golf course when i was a kid and one of the tee's was right on the road, i used to love getting that chance to beep in the middle of the swing.



Yeah it's like other sports too. I was on a scratch league for mens bowling and I can't believe how many times Mr J Bowler with his mega metal arm contraption threw a hissy fit if someone sneezed. We took these guys on for the championship after we won the second half. I had a line just going for me. Rolled a 720 series and they called me sandbagging mof'er and threw major fits of protest. My handicap gave me near 840 game and I won all jackpots.


What pissed them off was I rolled, and walked away. Never looking back. Our opponents were beside themselves in horror!! Even still, it's a gatt damn game. People on other teams knew I was a shmoe bowler and just having a good night. It was like a number 9 hitter in baseball getting the game winning hits for the team.

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I remember a guy on our course that beat the {censored} out of another player for burping while he was trying to putt. Dude was a total dickhead about it. Beer drinking will result in belching at some point.





you cant be burpin in that situation. if someone did that to me while i was bowling a match im definitely taking a swing at them!

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While I do take the game seriously, I don't think I'd ever get so pissed at someone for air-horning in my backswing that I'd start a brawl. I'd probably laugh and throw another ball down.


I did :lol: when he had the RC car on the green and the dude shattered it to pieces. What did you think was going to happen, {censored}tard?

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In highschool a friend had an old {censored}ty toyota pickup truck. It had a carburetor rather than EFI and was a 5spd. We used to tavel a road that ran right along a golf course on our way to a friends house very often. We "key banged" the truck at the prime time in the up swing/peak all the time! Obviously a massive BANG! threw them off more times than not. Sometimes they'd laugh because they thought it was his {censored}ty truck with impeccable timing :lol:

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Yeah it's like other sports too. I was on a scratch league for mens bowling and I can't believe how many times Mr J Bowler with his mega metal arm contraption threw a hissy fit if someone sneezed. We took these guys on for the championship after we won the second half. I had a line just going for me. Rolled a 720 series and they called me sandbagging mof'er and threw major fits of protest. My handicap gave me near 840 game and I won all jackpots.

What pissed them off was I rolled, and walked away. Never looking back. Our opponents were beside themselves in horror!! Even still, it's a gatt damn game. People on other teams knew I was a shmoe bowler and just having a good night. It was like a number 9 hitter in baseball getting the game winning hits for the team.






i dont even bowl leagues anymore cause i cant deal with the bull{censored}. at least you admit your arent great, most think they are gods gift to the sport and are {censored}ing horrible. its actually fun to watch but i cant deal actually bowling with people like that anymore lol

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Yeah it's like other sports too. I was on a scratch league for mens bowling and I can't believe how many times Mr J Bowler with his mega metal arm contraption threw a hissy fit if someone sneezed. We took these guys on for the championship after we won the second half. I had a line just going for me. Rolled a 720 series and they called me sandbagging mof'er and threw major fits of protest. My handicap gave me near 840 game and I won all jackpots.

What pissed them off was I rolled, and walked away. Never looking back. Our opponents were beside themselves in horror!! Even still, it's a gatt damn game. People on other teams knew I was a shmoe bowler and just having a good night. It was like a number 9 hitter in baseball getting the game winning hits for the team.



I have seen this so often. I am not a pro but I bowl all the time. It's funny cause league players are such baby cries. I always take a few frames to really get going and once I start getting in my zone there high fives and in your faces stop. That's why me and my friends don't play the leagues anymore.

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