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How do you care for a solid wood guitar without a humidifier?


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I've heard different techniuqes,but never have done any.Can you dampen the guitar down from time to time? So far mine don't leave the house,maybe to church and back,and never play it in the hot sun either. Just curious in case I get a real expensive guitar. Also,are cheap humidfiers work ok for guitars?

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I've heard different techniuqes,but never have done any.Can you dampen the guitar down from time to time? So far mine don't leave the house,maybe to church and back,and never play it in the hot sun either. Just curious in case I get a real expensive guitar. Also,are cheap humidfiers work ok for guitars?



Keep your guitar in the case and use a soundhole humidifier when the humidity drops below 40% in your house.

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Keep the guitar in its case - and you can make an ultra-cheap humidifier, just stuff a bit of sponge or that stuff they use in flower arrangements into film can (or other small container) and poke a few holes in the lid (of the film can, not the guitar case!)

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Keep the guitar in its case - and you can make an ultra-cheap humidifier, just stuff a bit of sponge or that stuff they use in flower arrangements into film can (or other small container) and poke a few holes in the lid (of the film can, not the guitar case!)



Those travel containers for a bar of soap work great for that. Also, I always buy a hygrometer for every new guitar case I get. I get them from a cigar supply place on ebay for about ten bucks and velcro them inside the case.


Here's one, for example...


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I've had chapped lips for the past couple of weeks so I started putting Carmex on them a couple times a day. After a week or so my lips are smooth and not all dried and cracked. I suppose I could smear Carmex all over my guitar. ;)


Seriously though, I have a hard time with humidity in my one bedroom apartment. I have a humidifier going 24/7 but it only gets between 35 and 40 percent. My Taylor Big Baby has been through lots of changes because of it.

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You can get a decent house size humidifier at the W place for about 70 bucks -think bemis makes them -- this time of year most places that carry them are trying to get rid of them ( try sears etc ) I have two humidifiers in my home and they do more than just protect my guitars - think about it - if you have an exspensive guitar- its cheaper to buy a decent humidifier than have your guitar fixed ! - its alot like buying a decent case for your guitar .

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Use the Freeman Keller sponge and get a hygrometer , I got a Planet waves soundhole humdifier too. Humidity can damage a cheap guitar too, I have a $219 Alvarez RD20S, last week I got it out to play and the hi e action had dramatically changed, it was buzzing like crazy from the 8th fret up ,can't play the octave fret. Freeman said it just needs to humidified, be patient, I had this baby pro set up and it played so sweet, it is odd how it only effected the 12 string.


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Those travel containers for a bar of soap work great for that.



That's what I do. Drill a bunch of holes in the lid and stick a sponge inside that's been dampened, and wrung out.


Rewet when dry.


And don't expose the guitar to extremes of heat or cold.

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"Some folks use air conditioning. AC will drop your humidity below 40% no matter what state you live in."


Running the AC 24/7 the lowest I've ever gotten in was around 80%. In the winter dry season running the heat the lowest I've ever gotten it was about 75%. Right now it's 81% with the heat running and it's the dry time of the year.

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I live in Arizona and it's very dry out here. My guitar teacher suggests if we don't have humidifiers keeping our guitars near the kitchen or shower will be okay. Not where it could get real wet of course! Just so it's in a moist environment. Never in the closet.

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