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Acoustics $1k-ish and under: help me not get screwed, please!


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My personal favorite in the under 1000 price range is the Yamaha L series 16 models ( handmade in Japan )-they make a decent dread, and a mini jumbo--- all solid wood with a nice sound .



Yes; and they get overlooked far too often I feel. It's almost as if the reputation Yamaha has for quality lower-priced guitars leads people to believe that's all they build. Boy are they missing out!




Martin 000-15S

Yamaha LL26

Yamaha LL6

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I have an older L series yamaha. It is a spruce/mahogany model L5A. It is one of my teo favorites (the other is a d28). Incredible sound, a great value.


Personally, I would not recommend looking at the Morgan Monroes. I have played many, and for the most part not been impressed.

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I played a Breedlove that GC listed at about $1600, and compared it to a Martin at a slightly higher price ($2200). It may have been the fact that the Martin was a dreadnought, but the Atlas sounded deader and in a lower class... period. Not that it was not very nice, but just not in the same league, imo. I decided to up my budget to low $2k's, and have been looking at the D-28. Now I just need to find a store that carries it for a reasonable price. Obviously those Acoustic-Electrics are snazzy and fashionable these days, but I would rather get a better pure acoustic for the same price. So, tomorrow will hopefully yield some interesting results again.

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Well, if you're upping it to $2K and considering Martins (and dreads no less) then look at the HD-28 and D-35. The OM-21 and OM-35 also get lots of love around here. If you look elsewhere (such as a mom & pop shop) you may find that they come nearer to your price range.

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Almost in the same boat as you , man!

I'm a semi-retiring bass player who is moving into just doing acoustic type gigs and what-not, and have slightly larger budget (around 2K, I had some really cool bass gear!), anyhow, the drummer from one of my bands is a music store clerk for a Taylor dealer so I got unlimited time with all the Taylors, then I went to my local GC....

Well I banged around on ever guitar around the 2K mark, Martin, Gibson, Breedlove, and I took my brother who plays in a few bands as well and made him sit with his back adjacent to me so he couldn't see what I was playin but he wasn't behind me, and lo and behold the guitar we kept going back to was a Taylor DN3.

go figure.

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Best acoustics are always used in my experience. It's amazing the deals you can find these days. I have a handmade K. Yairi that I picked up for $535 which sounds excellent and plays like a dream. Got a classic Guild for $800 too which is just unreal.


Finding the right deal is all about being patient and keeping your eyes open. I wouldn't buy a new acoustic personally.

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Best acoustics are always used in my experience. It's amazing the deals you can find these days. I have a handmade K. Yairi that I picked up for $535 which sounds excellent and plays like a dream. Got a classic Guild for $800 too which is just unreal.

Finding the right deal is all about being patient and keeping your eyes open. I wouldn't buy a new acoustic personally.



Crap. You made me go over to the UMGF and look up used guitars. No basic D-28's there but I found a few deals that have me breaking out in a cold sweat.

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Tomorrow should be a fun day. Going to head over to my favorite store, Guitar Showcase, where there is no pressure or competition (because I have my own personal salesman). I get straight advice from the guys there, which I like. Only problem is that their prices are not competitive enough for my tastes. But then again, they have rare guitars that I don't see at Guitar Center. They are also the only Fender Custom Shop dealer in NorCal (I'm pretty sure about that), too.


Anyway, if I can't get my hands on an HD-28 or D-28, or D-35 to try, I will be disappointed.

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An interesting phenomina about a D28 is that your buddies may come over once in a while to jam with you mainly to compare a guitar to a real D28.

Once in a while you can find a good deal on a used one, here's a 2000 D28 for $1400 . http://chambana.craigslist.org/msg/818780146.html

If you buy it new you get their lifetime warrenty. In 30 years when it needs a neck reset, they will do the work (at least they do right now).

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